Blackmailing Mr. Bossman (Billionaire Heists #2) - Anna Hackett Page 0,33

what Liam would look like as he aged, I now had the answer. Rupert Kensington looked like an older version of his son. Long, trim body, handsome face, and gold hair now smudged with distinguished gray at his temples.

The woman standing beside him smiled, her head tilted at an angle that looked painful. Her chestnut-brown hair was piled on her head in a complicated design. Her gaze was locked on Liam.

“It’s so wonderful to run into you here.” Rupert grinned, ignoring the tension. “Now you can meet Cressida.”

“A pleasure,” the young woman breathed.

Liam didn’t even look at her, just nodded.

“And who is this delectable creature?” Rupert’s gaze fell on me. His eyes were brown, not Liam’s blue.

“Penn, this is my father and his fiancée.” Liam’s tone was colder than the polar ice cap.

“Hi,” I said.

“My son follows in my footsteps. He has an eye for the beautiful ladies.”

Liam stiffened, his fingers clenching on my hip. Cressida’s laugh was like a small tinkle.

I covered Liam’s hand with mine.

“Oh?” I cocked my head, then looked at Liam. “I thought you were estranged from your father, and that he was a massive asshole? I wouldn’t have thought you followed in his footsteps. At all.”

Rupert’s face froze. The good-natured look leached from his face, replaced by acid.

Cressida looked around, uncertain.

Liam’s body relaxed, and then he laughed—a sexy, low laugh.

God, I really liked the sound of it.

“I like a woman with intelligence, Father, not just beauty. I like more than just arm candy. And I also like a woman who’s an adult.”

I heard the hidden message.

Anger flared on Rupert’s face.

“We were just leaving.” Liam tugged me away. “Enjoy the party, Father. Cressida.”

Liam didn’t stop until he’d towed me out of the ballroom.

Then he yanked me up, our mouths a whisper apart.

“I want to take you home and fuck you all night.”

My body lit up. “Because of the dress, or because I mouthed off to your douchebag father?”

“Both. I like the whole package.”

I sighed. It almost hurt to wrestle my desire into some sort of submission.

“Sorry. You’re going back to your multi-million-dollar pad, and I’m going back to my apartment. Alone. Well, with my two sisters.”

I’d also be going home hugely turned on to my empty bed.

“So strict,” he murmured.

“We’ve criminals to bring down, remember?”

He tucked my hair back, setting my earring swinging. “I’m good at multitasking.”

“Turn off the charm and sex appeal, Kensington. I can’t handle much more of it.”

He smiled. “You think I’m sexy?”

“You don’t need me feeding your ego.” The elevator arrived. “I’ll see you tomorrow. We have a warehouse to search.”


They’re Protective


Liam sat in the passenger seat of a plain, boring white Chevy sedan. Aspen sat behind the wheel.

Everyone believed they were holed up in his office for a meeting. But they’d snuck out and taken Aspen’s vehicle.

“This is a crap car.”

She arched a brow. “Sorry, I left my Aston at home.”

He grunted. “It’s still crap.”

“Man, you are a snob. We’re trying to blend in, remember?”

They were heading into the Bronx toward the warehouse. He tapped his fingers on the dash. He’d hoped to have heard something from Vander this morning, but all he had was a short text telling him they were still working on it.

“Have you been to the warehouse before?” she asked.

“No.” Soon she turned onto the street where the warehouse was, and Liam leaned forward. “That’s it there.”

They drove past the brick building. It was a solid block of red brick, several stories high at the front, and with a long, single story section at the back with large roller doors and a crumbling roof.

Aspen found a parking spot on the next street and they walked back.

Liam took out a key, and opened a large metal door at the front. It groaned as he pushed it open.

They stepped into the shadowed space. Pigeons took flight, casting flickering shadows in the light that filtered in through the grimy windows and single hole in the ceiling.

The place was filthy. There were puddles on the ground, piles of trash, and the scent of… He wasn’t exactly sure what it was.

Aspen eyed his shoes and suit, a smile on her face. “Watch those shiny Italian shoes.”

He noted that she’d worn navy-blue trousers and wedge heels today. She had a pretty blue shirt on, and a fitted jacket over the top.

They walked deeper into the space. Solid pillars marched in rows. There was some charming, creative graffiti on the wall. Liam wasn’t sure that what the artist suggested was anatomically possible.

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