Blackbird Broken (The Witch King's Crown #2) - Keri Arthur Page 0,34

grin flashed. “Well, no. It’d hardly make our job easy if witch crims were aware they came under a very different set of rules.”

The smell of fresh bread permeated the room, and my stomach rumbled a reminder that it’d missed the promised lasagna at Barney’s.

“I bought food staples on the way here,” she continued. “But there’s a ton of tinned stuff in the cupboard and plenty in the freezer. It should tide whoever Mo’s arranged to babysit over for a week or so.”

“Are the neighbors aware of what this house is used for?” Luc stopped in the doorway, which was probably just as well. The kitchen was on the small side, and his big frame wouldn’t leave a whole lot of room for the rest of us.

“I’m sure they probably suspect.” She shrugged and walked over to the small bag sitting at the end of the kitchen counter. “Mo asked me to collect some DNA samples, if I can.”

“How long do you think it’ll take to get the results?”

“Items marked urgent normally take somewhere between eight and twenty-four hours.”

“And you’re sure you’re not going to get into trouble for this?”

She flashed me a smile over her shoulder. “Quite. Barney’s already discussed the ‘operation’ with my boss, so we’re good.”

She pulled out some gloves and a plastic-wrapped tube that held several long-looking cotton buds, and then motioned me over to one of the two stools tucked under the overhanging section of the counter.

“Do we know her name?” she asked.

“My name is Riona,” came the soft, almost melodic reply.

Surprise rippled through me, but it was accompanied by an odd sense of dread. Riona—which wasn’t a commonly used name these days—had been my mother’s middle name.


I wanted to think so. I really did.

“And how old are you, Riona?” Luc said.

“Five,” she said, looking at him. “Not a kid.”

“Well, it’s nice to meet you, Riona.” Ginny pulled on a pair of gloves, amusement twitching her lips. “I need to collect some of your mouth juices on this little swap. Will that be okay?”

The little girl fidgeted, her uncertainty momentarily staining the air. It smelled electric, like a storm on a distant horizon. “Will it hurt?”

“No, I promise you.”

“Eat after? I want a sandwich.”

“And you can have one.”

Riona studied Ginny a bit longer, and then nodded, her expression solemn.

“Right,” Ginny said. “All you have to do is open your mouth wide. I’m just going to run this cotton bud around the inside of your cheek a few times—okay?”

She nodded once again and opened her mouth. Ginny peeled the plastic away from the tube and the swabs, and then gently collected the DNA sample she needed.

“Right,” she repeated, carefully placing the sample into the tube and then sealing it in a bag. “I’ll get these to the lab straight away and give you a call as soon as I get the results.”

“Thanks, Ginny.”

She nodded and headed out. Luc followed, no doubt to lock the door after her. I introduced myself to Riona and then asked, “What sort of sandwich would you like?”

“Cheese and Marmite.”

A combination that sent a shudder through me; I was no fan of Marmite. “I’m sure we can manage that—do you want to sit on the stool while I go make it?”


Once she’d clambered over, I investigated the fridge and then the pantry. When Ginny had said it was well stocked, she wasn’t kidding. I pulled everything I needed out, not just to make her sandwich but also a couple for Luc and me.

“There’re only two bedrooms,” Luc said, as he came back into the room. “But the sofa looks comfortable—”

“Luc, I’m quite capable of sharing a bed with someone without …” I hesitated and waved a hand. “You know.”

“You may be,” he said, voice dry. “But I’m not sure I am.”

I tsked. “And here I was thinking Blackbirds were all about self-control.”

“There’s self-control, and then there’s utter lunacy.” He pulled out the stool I’d vacated, then sat down and offered his big hand to Riona. “I’m Luc. It’s very nice to meet you.”

She studied him shyly for a second and placed her tiny hand in his and solemnly shook it. “What happened to Naya?”

“Is that the name of the lady who was with you? The one the man hurt?”

She nodded.

“She’s been taken to the hospital.” He hesitated. “Was Naya your mother?”

She shook her head. “Mommy went out. Naya was minding me.”

Holy fuck … My gaze shot to Luc’s. “We need to find her—ASAP.”

He nodded but didn’t immediately move or get his phone Copyright 2016 - 2024