Blackbird Broken (The Witch King's Crown #2) - Keri Arthur Page 0,10

pizza. To say I was hungry was an understatement. “Has anyone actually informed the High Council what’s happening?”

“Barney sent a missive when the tower’s vaults were attacked, but there’s been no chance to update them on more recent events.”

The King’s Tower situated in Ainslyn was the only intact remnant of Uhtric’s castle. These days, it was little more than a tourist attraction and museum, though there was a secret witch repository tucked within the vaults—one that had recently come under attack from a witch working with both Darkside and the heir. A witch other than Tris, that is.

“And a cup of tea would be lovely right now,” she added.

I smiled and rose, grabbing the kettle before heading into the bathroom to fill it. And decided to ask the one question I’d been avoiding up until now. “Why do you really think Max was there tonight?”

“I don’t know.”

“But you did cast some sort of truth spell, didn’t you?”

“Only a minor one.” She paused. “I’m surprised you picked it up and he didn’t.”

I came out and put the kettle back onto its stand. “I’m more familiar with your recent magic.”

“True.” She paused again. “There was no lie in anything he said.”


“But I wish I’d had more time and strength to question him. He’s up to something, and I’d like to know what.” She grimaced. “I’d also like to think he’s not deeply involved in any of this, but Tris did contact him, and I’ve a feeling that wasn’t a coincidence.”

“Which never did make sense—I mean, Max is an heir, however indirect, so why would they allow Tris to contact him? Why wouldn’t they just take Max out as they did the others?”

“There are lots of things not making sense at the moment.” She shrugged. “Hopefully, I’ll have more of a chance to question him tomorrow.”

“That’s if he turns up. He’s just as likely not to, given he might have to help with the cleanup.”

I picked up the two cups of tea; she accepted hers with a smile. “I believe curiosity is the reason he turned up tonight, and I think it’ll be the reason he turns up tomorrow.”

“Max and curiosity have never been bosom buddies.”

“Unless there was a deal or money to be had.”

True. I frowned. “There’s not much of a deal to be had when it comes to Darkside. Especially for an heir.”

“Tris thought otherwise. And, heir or not, Max might well think the same.”

“Meaning maybe we should be doing something tomorrow about bugging him. Or, at the very least, put a tracker on his car.”

She smiled. “This is why you’re my favorite grandchild—you’re practical but sneaky, just like me.”

I resisted the urge to point out that—technically—I wasn’t her grandchild or even her great-grandchild, as there were centuries more than that between us. “We might have to pull in either Mia or Ginny to help us. He’ll be watching for the two of us, given our recent show of distrust.”

Ginny in particular would be a good choice, as she could track people, animals, or vehicles via the color and currents they left behind after movement. She also happened to be a detective with the major crimes unit; if there was a shady, big-money deal going down in Ainslyn, she’d probably know about it.

“Good idea. In the meantime, you’d better send a message to your Blackbird, otherwise he’ll be ringing at some ungodly hour of the morning again.”

I gave her a deadpan look. “He’s not my anything and never will be, given all he’s interested in is a short-term fling.”

“Flings can still be fun.”

“Yes, but I’m over being considered a short-term prospect rather than long.”

“So agree to one, and work on the other.” Mischief twinkled in her eyes. “I speak from experience when I say it can certainly work.”

I smiled. “I think it’s safe to say that I don’t have your good fortune when it comes to men.”

“That’s your problem—no self-belief.”

I rolled my eyes. “If I can’t hold the attraction of the man whose soul is supposedly linked to mine, what hope is there for me?”

“Plenty.” She made a shooing motion. “Go contact him so we can get some rest.”

I took a sip of tea, then headed into the bathroom to send him a text. It would have been far easier to call, but I was a little peeved at the man and avoiding direct contact where possible. His reply was quick and to the point—where are you now?

Recovering. Be home tomorrow.

I hit the mute button after I sent that, then put Copyright 2016 - 2024