Bitter Queen (Advantage Play #4) - Kelsie Rae Page 0,37

tucks a pillow into her chest. My mouth twitches in the corner before shaking off the contented haze I always seem to find myself in when Q’s around. As I leave the room, I keep the door cracked then head to the shed.

A sea of familiar faces greets me before we all file into the tiny space where a tied up Dex sits front and center.

I haven’t seen him since the night of the tournament. It feels like a lifetime ago. Regret pools in my hollow stomach as I watch him wait for his punishment with his head held high. The bastard doesn’t look scared. If anything, he looks resigned and ready to accept his fate.

He knew what he was getting into by messing with Regina. I just hope it was worth it. When his gaze lands on me, his shoulders fall, and he hunches further into the metal chair. I can almost taste his defeat. His regret. But it isn’t because he touched Regina. It’s because his decision cost us the time we could’ve had to get to know each other.

And now, it’s likely gone forever unless Kingston found a loophole that would still manage to keep his men in line while showing mercy to his newest soldier.

The silence is deafening as the entire room waits for Kingston to make his first move. But the bastard isn’t doing anything. He’s just standing next to the exit with his arms crossed. The pitter-patter of feet makes my ears perk with interest before Regina appears beside him. Her hair is a mess, and she’s panting from exertion as Kingston leans closer to her and whispers something in her ear. Cocking my head to the side, I watch their exchange, more confused than ever.

What the hell is she doing here?

He can’t be that callous. Can he? Or maybe Q’s making me soft. Then again, it could also be the damn Hallmark Channel.

The tears continue to slide down Regina’s cheeks as she listens to Kingston before she gives him a jerky nod, then squeezes her eyes shut and shrugs out of his hold.

Ushering her the rest of the way inside the shed, Kingston begins his announcement. “Gentlemen, do you know why I’ve invited you here?”

He receives a wave of nods in response, but our silence remains.

Satisfied, he continues. “Early this morning, I found evidence that a man I’ve trusted, one of our men, a man whom I welcomed into the family with open arms, disobeyed a direct order. It’s a shame,” he admits, his tone ringing with resigned disappointment. “This same man proved his loyalty only hours before when he delivered a piece of vital information to me. Something he could’ve easily kept to himself if he chose to do so. Hell, he could’ve even used it against the Romano family to cause more chaos in an already turbulent time.” Raising his hands at his sides, he faces his palms toward the ceiling while motioning to the crowd of soldiers. “The combination has put me in quite the predicament, as I’m sure you can all understand.”

We all grunt our understanding.

“But before I reach my verdict,” he continues, “it’s time for you to all show him what we do to Romano men who fail to put the family first.”

All eyes are on me, Kingston’s right-hand man, as I raise my chin and stalk toward Dex.

It’s time.

Fighting off my disappointment in my own flesh and blood, I cock my arm back and deliver a debilitating blow to the left side of Dex’s jaw. His head snaps back before he registers the pain and blinks slowly as he comes back down to earth.

“Family first, brother. Always.” I step aside for one of my fellow soldiers.

Face contorting, Dex absorbs the second hit with a low grunt before Lou steps forward to take his shot. Blood gushes from Dex’s nose as Lou delivers the next hit and states, “Family first.”


And again.

The soldiers take their turns exacting retribution for Dex’s mistake.

Another hit.

Then another.

Until Dex’s vision is bleary, and his chin rests on his chest, fighting to remain lucid when he’s seconds from passing out. His eyes are almost swollen shut from having the shit knocked out of him, and his nose sits crookedly on his face. But he doesn’t beg us to stop. My chest swells with pride.

“Dex,” Kingston announces when the last fist has connected with Dex’s bruised body. “You came here as nothing but a bastard. You were given the opportunity to make a name for yourself Copyright 2016 - 2024