Bitter Pill (Sisterhood #32) - Fern Michaels Page 0,95

as it does not contain any part of the truth. Understood?”

One grunt.

Chapter 41

It was the fifth day of Corbett’s and Steinwood’s unpleasant stay at Chateau Justice. Kathryn reluctantly made contact with Pearl. The last part of the final phase was approaching. Out of respect for Pearl’s facilitators, the sisters agreed to let the two scum buckets shower and put on clean orange jumpsuits. They didn’t want any of their associates to have to suffer the stench of the men’s unwashed bodies.

Charles escorted Corbett to the shower, with Fergus watching closely. The two men would go one at a time, still not knowing the whereabouts of the other. Steinwood and Corbett could barely stand, let alone walk. Neither was a threat. They were deflated, humiliated, and destroyed. Even with a shower and clean hair, Corbett looked grizzly. Steinwood looked like a schlump. Corbett opened his mouth to speak, but Charles gave him a look that said, “Don’t you dare.”

Charles pulled Corbett’s arms behind his back and zip-tied his wrists together. Corbett started to yell, but Fergus shoved a sock in his mouth. “Keep your piehole shut,” Charles barked and reapplied duct tape to the man’s mouth. He marched Corbett up the steps, as the sisters lined up and watched him do the walk of shame. Then a burlap bag went over his head and he was passed on to Pearl and her crew, who would relocate Corbett to some unknown place, a place so remote, he would never be found.

Once the van carrying Corbett was off the property, it was Steinwood’s turn to do the walk of shame as the sisters looked on and to be transferred to the tender mercies of Pearl’s people. He would be relocated to a different place than Corbett. There was no chance that the two would ever again meet. The official word was that they had escaped during a transfer and were now on the FBI’s and Interpol’s most wanted lists.

The entire departure took about an hour. The Sisterhood wanted to have enough “checkout” time for their guests. Neither man had ever known what was happening to the other, and at no time had either of them asked. Selfish bastards.

As the last car disappeared through the gate, the sisters high-fived, fist pumped, hooted, and hopped around.



“Hootie toot-toot!”

They backslapped one another and doubled over in fits of laughter; the pups howled and wagged their tails in unison.

Annie wrapped her arm around Myra’s neck. “We have an exceptional crew working with us and for us. Seems like we just keep getting better and better.”


Myra , Charles, Annie, and Fergus were lounging about in the atrium. Charles was sorting through papers. What conversation there was, was about what was on the dinner menu. The dinner was to celebrate another mission accomplished.

The original choice was between having a clambake or a roast. They eventually voted for the roast—the same as the first dinner they had shared with Charlotte. Maggie had already put her order in for “extra everything.” It didn’t matter to her as long as the food was plentiful.

The sisters started to arrive about an hour before dinner was to be served. Yoko brought a magnificent centerpiece of red peonies for the table and several other luscious arrangements for the rest of the house. Kathryn helped her carry them in. Once everyone was there, they began their methodical dance of setting the table. Myra suggested the same crystal and china, the Hermès Mosaique and the Waterford.

Myra stood in the doorway and stared at the beautiful table setting. She sighed. Charles came up from behind. “What is it, dear?”

Myra fidgeted with her pearls. “I wish Charlotte were here.”

“I know. But remember, it’s also the adrenaline rush of the mission, then the slide down to the humdrum of everyday life.”

“Oh, Charles, life with you would never, could never, be humdrum. But I suppose you’re right. This is what it must be like for entertainers. You’re on a high in anticipation of the show, and then you do the show, and then the show is over.”

“Listen, old girl, the show will never, ever be over.” Charles put his hands on her waist and kissed the back of her neck.

Myra reached for his hand and brushed it with her lips. “Oh, now, don’t you be naughty! We have guests!”

Myra giggled like a schoolgirl and began to blush. “Charles, you have made my life very rich, exciting, and rewarding.”

“Ditto, my darling. Now let’s get busy.” Charles took her hand and led her back Copyright 2016 - 2024