Bitter Pill (Sisterhood #32) - Fern Michaels Page 0,92

forward, getting a lashing of remarks as to her rudeness. “Sah-ree, sah-ree, sah-ree,” she kept saying in her favorite Brooklyn accent.

One stiff-necked gent looked over at another and mouthed the word “American.”

Earlier, Avery had given Eileen the number of the floor on which Marcus was being held. He was in the room being guarded by a constable, who was sitting outside. When the elevator doors opened, Eileen rushed through the crowd and spotted Franny within a few feet of Marcus’s room. How is he going to get past the guard at the door? she wondered. But then she realized the cop was there to keep Marcus from getting out. There was no reason to try to keep people from going in, unless it was his unhinged wife.

“Franny O’Rourke?” The constable stood. “We’ve been expecting you.”

“What all?” Franny said with total surprise. He turned to run, but over a half dozen men in various uniforms surrounded him.

“Yer coming with us.” The mix of London law enforcement officers cuffed him and marched him to the bank of lifts, where an empty car waited.

And thus a Sisterhood operation, one that began with putting three doctors who preyed upon rich widows out of commission, brought about the arrest of one of the most notorious criminals in the UK.

Marcus watched in horror from his bed. He couldn’t tell if he was awake or having another nightmare. Or was this simply one continuous nightmare? The appearance of Nurse Ratched confirmed it for him. It was one terrifying moment after another.

Eileen pinged Avery. “All clear.”

“Roger that,” was the reply.

Marcus strained to hear what people were saying in the hallway. The buzz in his head subsided. He wasn’t dreaming.

“Sorry about the commotion, Dr. Marcus. Evidently, you’re not allowed certain visitors.” The cranky nurse snickered and walked out of the room.

Franny O’Rourke had been apprehended. But that left Marcus with another problem. If he was ever getting out of this hospital, he would be going to jail. It was all coming back to him. When the officers began to raid the office, he had bolted out the back door into the alley. The alley where Franny O’Rourke had been waiting with a cinder block. He started forming real thoughts. If I go to jail, Franny will surely finish me off, even if he doesn’t do it himself. Marcus concluded that he had to get out of the hospital without being seen. How? He was a hot mess. He had to think. First thing he would do was stop the pain meds. As much as he liked the high, staying alive had to be his priority. He rang for the nurse. He hoped it was the kinder of the two.

This time a young woman wearing a bright pink uniform stood in the doorway. “Yes, Mr. Marcus?”

He wasn’t able to form full words yet, so he motioned to the IV drip with his head.

“You want me to do something with this?” she asked.

He got off a weak nod.

“Do you want more?”

His swollen eyes almost bulged out of his head as he tried to shake it to say no.

“No?” the young woman asked quizzically.

He shut his eyes and nodded, as if to say yes.

The woman was confused. “Do you want more? Or less?”

Marcus was getting frustrated, but that was a good sign. That meant he was getting his wits back. He moved his hand sideways in a motion to cut off the supply.

“Oh, no more?” The pink lady smiled. He gave it his best shot. “Are you sure?” she prodded.

Marcus was feeling weary. It shouldn’t be this hard. He dropped the plunger that was in his hand. Maybe she would get the message.

“Ah. Would you like me to adjust your bed?”

Marcus tried to blink a message.

“You just let me know when to stop.” She approached the bed and pushed a few buttons to elevate him. Now he could get a clear look down the hallway. If someone was coming after him, he was a sitting duck. He had to get some mobility. He looked at one arm in a cast and a leg in traction. Impossible. He couldn’t imagine what his face looked like.

Marcus strained to stay focused and paid close attention to his surroundings. The next few days could be a matter of life or death.

Chapter 40


After breakfast the next morning, Kathryn spoke up. “I know this sounds like I’m getting soft, but do you think we should get those slimeballs clean jumpsuits? It really stinks down there. I think it’s Copyright 2016 - 2024