Bitter Pill (Sisterhood #32) - Fern Michaels Page 0,79

bling. And fake it is. Annie started to lose the feeling of wanting to choke the twit. She would get her just desserts soon enough.

Norma kept babbling on her cell as she opened the safe and withdrew the fake pendant. She put the phone down as she fastened the necklace around her neck, not giving it a second glance. She practically stumbled as she picked up her phone and scampered out. “I’ve gotta go. Julian is probably looking for me, and I have to corner the countess one more time. I want to show her off to the club. Ta.”

As soon as Annie heard the click of the front door, she carefully moved in that direction. She put her ear up against the door to listen for any movement in the hallway. She heard the ding of the lift bell. That was probably Norma going back up to the conservatory. Annie slowly opened the door and peered in each direction. No one. She decided to take the steps to avoid any other possible encounters with partygoers.

When she reached the conservatory floor, she adjusted the sash and cautiously opened the door. She spotted Myra, who was clutching her pearls. Not necessarily a good sign.

Annie frantically gestured to get Myra’s attention. Finally. Eye contact. The relief on Myra’s face could be seen across the room. She was standing with Dr. Marcus as Norma edged her way in.

“There you are!” Norma exclaimed, as she saw Annie walking toward them. Dr. Marcus was beaming. Myra was not. She softly closed her eyes and slightly shook her head. Annie was good at scaring the wits out of Myra. Not intentionally. It was Annie’s wild nature. One of the many things Myra loved about her dear friend.

“Sorry. I’ve been pulled in all sorts of directions,” Annie replied, recovering from the edge of hyperventilating. She had gotten herself out of a lot of jams in the past. Had Norma discovered Annie in her bedroom, that would have been one hell of a calamity. “My, what a stunning necklace!” Annie pointed to the Cartier. “Sorry I didn’t mention it earlier.”

Norma didn’t flinch. “No worries. You were busy being the perfect hostess.”

Annie smiled her most charming smile, all the while thinking, Rubbish, you moron. She leaned into Myra, knowing they were both thinking the same thing.

“Where’s Charlotte?” Annie asked.

Myra had a twinkle in her eye. “She has been spending some time conversing with Lincoln.” She nodded in their direction. Charlotte was giggling like a schoolgirl. Myra was elated to see her friend laughing and what could be construed as flirting!

“Bravo!” Annie replied. “Lincoln is a wonderful man. Widower for about five years. He said it’s hard to meet someone at this point in his life. I’m happy to see him enjoying himself.”

“Would you excuse us a moment?” Annie said to the Marcuses. “Myra and I have a little matter we need to resolve before the evening ends. Nothing major, but you know how caterers can be.” She took Myra by the elbow and shuffled her through the guests.

Myra started. “You gave me such a fright! What took you so long?”

“You had such a fright? You were supposed to keep an eye on them!” Annie was trying to keep her volume to a whisper. “Norma went back to the flat to get that necklace. I hid behind the bedroom door and held my breath.”

“It happened so fast, I couldn’t stop her. At first, I thought she was going to the ladies’ room, and she melted into the crowd. I didn’t realize what had happened until she came back with that necklace on! Thank goodness you weren’t caught.” She and Annie hugged.

“At least we accomplished what we came here to do! And clearly, she is none the wiser.” Myra touched her pearls again. This time in relief. “Will you look at those two?” She nudged Annie in Charlotte and Lincoln’s direction. “I think Charlotte has a new friend.”

“Sometimes the universe does wonderful and magical things. I’m not going to order the wedding invitations yet, though.” They laughed. “But it would be nice for Charlotte to have a friend when she visits her daughter.”

Another hour and a half passed before Annie went over to the doghouse to see how much money they had raised and took the microphone. “Dear friends. I am delighted you could turn out for this impromptu gathering. You know how near and dear animals are to me and Myra. Tonight we raised over nineteen thousand pounds!”

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