Bitter Pill (Sisterhood #32) - Fern Michaels Page 0,74

only imagine,” Annie said with a perfectly straight face.

“Indeed,” Myra echoed. She looked over at Charlotte to make sure she wasn’t going to faint. Or laugh.

“So, what’s the next step?” Annie asked coyly.

“If you have time today, we can begin the tests. Our lab will have the results back in twenty-four hours, so you’ll be able to begin as soon as two days from now.”

“You can compound supplements in twenty-four hours?” Myra acted surprised.

“Yes. That is another great service we offer. Almost immediate delivery. The lab works twenty-four hours a day. We have three shifts.” Marcus was trying to recover from his close encounter with a misstep. “It’s up in Yorkshire. Small shop.” He realized he should simply shut it and move on.

“And what are the fees?” Myra asked.

“It averages around twenty-five thousand dollars a month.” Marcus held his breath, waiting for a response.

“Well, if it works, then it’s for me!” Annie gushed.

“If it’s good enough for Annie, who am I to say no?” Myra chimed in.

“Marvelous!” Marcus thought he was going to explode with relief, relief at getting out of the financial hole he had allowed Norma to dig. And the trench he had dug for himself with his cocaine habit and Franny O’Rourke? Well, he would deal with that after he swapped all his wife’s diamonds for cubic zirconia. Even if he had the cash for Franny, he was tired of her pissing away all his money. This would be insurance. Insurance in case Live-Life-Long was not going to be around much longer. Maybe even a divorce. That could happen. His luck was definitely changing. Things were looking up.

“Let’s have Gloria set you ladies up in our patient suites.” He pressed the intercom. “Gloria, please escort the countess and Mrs. Rutledge to suites and ask Cynthia to start the usual round of tests. I’d like to speak with Charlotte. And then we can have her sit in the atrium area.”

“Of course, Doctor,” Gloria chirped back.

A few moments later, she entered the office and escorted Annie and Myra to two separate suites. Charlotte gave Annie and Myra a frightened look. They subtly gestured that everything would be okay.

Once the two women had left the room, Charlotte secretly clicked RECORD on her phone.

Marcus spoke first. “Charlotte, I cannot express how happy I am to see you again. I was concerned you had abandoned hope in our program.”

“Oh no, Dr. Marcus. I think I was feeling a bit overwhelmed with the traveling and such.” She leaned in, as if to share a secret. “You see, my daughter and son-in-law’s flat is tight enough without having a houseguest. I felt as if we were tripping all over each other. And raising a little boy is exhausting.” She took a deep breath, laying it on thick. “I felt as if I was getting in the way.” She let out a big sigh. “But when I visited Myra and Annie and discovered they were coming to London for an extended stay, and Annie offered her guest room, I was thrilled to accept the invitation.”

Marcus leaned back in his chair again and interlocked his fingers across his chest. He was feeling a little too relaxed. “Splendid. Do you have any indication how long the countess will be in town?”

Charlotte could not believe her ears. “I know she’s quite busy with the renovation and an impromptu cocktail-party fund-raiser at the Plimsoll Building day after tomorrow.”

“The Plimsoll Building?” Marcus almost catapulted from his seat. “That’s where we live!” He lowered his voice. “You don’t suppose we could get invited? My wife would over the moon flip to meet her.”

“I can certainly mention it. Perhaps say something like, ‘Annie, did you know Dr. Marcus and his wife live at the Plimsoll?’ Then maybe she’ll ask you to join us.” She was pulling him into her confidence.

“Marvelous!” Julian Marcus was all atwitter. “Now let’s get on with your shot. It’s been two weeks.”

“If you don’t mind, Dr. Marcus, I prefer not to have it today. I’ve been feeling quite good with just the supplements.” Charlotte was getting more confident in her fabrications. “Annie’s housekeeper was a nurse for an elderly gentleman for several years. If you want to give me the vial, I can ask her to administer the shot in a few days.”

Marcus made an odd face and thought for a moment. That could cause problems if the nurse-turned-housekeeper mucked it up. On the other hand, he would still charge Charlotte the five thousand dollars. “It’s a little, Copyright 2016 - 2024