Bitter Pill (Sisterhood #32) - Fern Michaels Page 0,7

is just a test recipe. The real deal will be served at dinner.” Charles took a small bow as each sister stuffed a flaky morsel in her mouth.

Annie elbowed her way into the middle of the ongoing bedlam to snatch the last popover. “It’s almost three o’clock, ladies. I think it’s time we let Charles continue his artful preparations and we clean up our act.”

As the women dispersed, Myra gave Nikki and Annie a signal to meet in the drawing room.

“Nikki, what were you able to find out about Dr. Marcus and Dr. Steinwood?” Myra held her breath.

“They both have medical degrees from Ross University School of Medicine.”

“Ross University? Is that like Joe’s School of Dentistry?” Annie could not resist making an attempt at humor. Myra gave her a sideways glance.

“It’s in Barbados.”

“Barbados?” Annie and Myra asked in unison.

“Yes, the beautiful island in the Caribbean.” Nikki tapped her phone for more information. “It appears that they also have certificates from the University of Lausanne in Switzerland. The two of them and a third partner have a joint medical practice called Live-Life-Long in three cities—Aspen, where Dr. Steinwood practices, London, for Dr. Marcus, and New York, where a third partner, Dr. Raymond Corbett, is located. His practice is located in the Hamptons, on Long Island. Their specialty—they claim—is integrated medicine for maintaining one’s youth.”

“Sounds fishy to me.” Annie was the first to comment.

“That was all I could find today without digging deeper. I want to confirm their backgrounds but will probably need Charles’s or Snowden’s help.” Nikki glanced up at the two other women. “Uh-oh. I know that look.”

Annie and Myra both crossed their arms and shrugged. “What look is that,” Myra asked?

Nikki pointed a finger, first at Myra, then at Annie. “That one! And that one!”

“Before we get ahead of ourselves, let’s file this information away. Charles is waiting for some intel, as well. And we do need to see how Charlotte is feeling and try to get whatever information we can from her without making her feel that she’s undergoing an interrogation.” Myra stroked her pearl necklace. “For now, let’s have a wonderful dinner party and save this business for later. Rules, you know.” She smiled as she waved her hand in the air, indicating the scrumptious aromas emanating from the kitchen.

Each departed to her own private quarters to prepare for the evening. Annie knew she had plenty of time to get Fergus out of the house so she could take a long, hot bath. Her biggest concern was which of her rhinestone cowboy boots to wear. Nikki would FaceTime Jack. It seemed like an eternity since she had last seen her husband’s face. With both either working on a case or on a mission, there hardly seemed time for their relationship. But it was strong and steady, and each of them had the highest respect for the other. After the conflicts they had been through in the very beginning—when Nikki thought she and Jack were over—she knew their love and dedication would lead them in the right direction. Who was it that sang “Love Is a Battlefield”? she wondered. Ah yes, Pat Benatar. Nikki chuckled, remembering one of the fights they’d had. The argument had ended when Nikki, who was totally frustrated, broke out singing the last line of that song, causing both her and Jack to have fits of laughter.

Myra went to the guest room to make certain everything was perfect for Charlotte’s arrival. She could have had her friend stay in one of the guest cottages, but Myra wanted Charlotte under her and Charles’s watchful eyes. Besides, the guest room was located on the other side of the library, where Charlotte would have total privacy yet be close at hand.

The suite rivaled that in any five-star hotel. It was five hundred square feet and had a king-size bed adorned with Raso Quagliotti thousand-thread-count sheets, a stone fireplace, a wet bar, a fifty-five-inch television, a love seat, and barrel chairs. The bathroom was complete with a sunken tub, a separate shower with four showerheads, a heated floor, heat lamps, a commode in a private area, and a double-sink vanity that stretched across one wall. Floor-to-ceiling windows along the bathtub overlooked a garden. Myra fussed with the tulips for a while, then wrote a short note:

My dear friend,

I hope your visit with us will soothe your soul and bring you joy. Stay as long as you like. And you know I mean it!


Myra (and Charles and the dogs!)

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