Bitter Pill (Sisterhood #32) - Fern Michaels Page 0,62

attic in the German countryside. Stolen by the Nazis. It’s a private sale, to be handled by Christie’s. Victor also thinks that Corbett will lend it to MoMA once it gets the publicity he is seeking.”

“That does not seem to explain the Christie’s catalog,” Charles noted, “since there is no auction involved, but perhaps he just got interested in what Christie’s had available. I don’t suppose it matters. Just our luck to have learned of the Christie’s connection and to have found out what he was doing.”

“As I was saying, we now know Steinwood’s and Corbett’s weaknesses. Marcus’s is the remaining question,” Myra said.

“I think it might be drugs.” Charlotte surprised everyone with her comment.

“Do tell.” Annie smiled conspiratorially.

“The few times I went to see him, I thought—I know this may sound a little mean—for a doctor he sure sweats a lot. Profusely at times. Sometimes his hands would tremble. Once he asked the nurse to give me that shot. He said it was a pinched nerve.”

“We need to find out what is going on with the jeweler. Why would he go so far out of his way?” Myra added.

“And does that fit in with his wife’s diamond mine? And if so, how?” Annie mused. “I think we need to hop over the pond, as they say.”

“This works out perfectly,” Myra added. “Steinwood asked Maryann to try to talk Charlotte into returning to London. I suggested she keep the option open, and here we are.”

“As soon as Isabelle and Alexis are back from Aspen, we’ll take my jet to London. I don’t think we need to stop in Sag Harbor. I think we have all the information we need on Corbett. Victor will let me know when Corbett gets the Chagall.” Annie punched some notes into her tablet.

“And what about that property in Michigan? What is Kathryn and Yoko’s ETA, Charles?” Annie asked.

“Tomorrow. As soon as Kathryn is done with her run, they’ll check out the property,” Charles replied.

“Tell Avery they’re doing a superb job!” Myra wanted to be sure there were still no hard feelings.

Annie looked up from her tablet. “As of now, we still need to uncover Marcus’s passion and what is on the property in Michigan. My guess? A pill mill. That’s probably where they’re getting their supplies from.”

Myra snapped her fingers. “I bet you’re right! I can’t wait to hear what Yoko and Kathryn find out.”

Charles spoke again. “Logistically speaking, the plane will be available day after tomorrow. Do you think you can keep yourselves amused until then?” he teased.

“We’ll do our best.” Annie turned to Charlotte and said, “Charlotte will call her daughter and arrange for the three of us to see Dr. Marcus. We’re her referrals.”

Annie checked her tablet again. “Maggie spent the afternoon with Mrs. Ringwood, Lorraine Thompson’s daughter. She showed Maggie a folder containing paperwork—copies of the nondisclosure form and a nonliabil-ity agreement and disclaimer. She told Maggie that she was not happy about her mother going to ‘that place’ and ‘that doctor,’ as she put it. She said it wasn’t just about the money. It wasn’t helping her mother. She was disoriented one day and manic the next. The daughter had suspected either dementia or schizophrenia. Lorraine was in the program less than three months before she died. The daughter blames the doctor, even if it was self inflicted. She believes her mother would never have taken her own life, but she can’t do anything about it legally.”

“Ha. But we can,” Myra said. The women high-fived each other.

Annie added, “Thompson’s daughter gave Maggie copies of the paperwork. She is going to have Nikki comb through it to see if there is any way around it. Nikki will probably consult with Lizzie to see if she has any suggestions about getting around the agreement.”

Lizzie Fox was one of the sharpest lawyers in the world, and if anyone could bring home the bacon on this matter, it was she.

Charles added a few more comments. “Everyone knows what their next steps should be, but let me ask something. What else will you be doing in London besides meeting Marcus?”

“Oh, maybe a little B&E and safecracking.” Annie winked at Charlotte and Myra.

Charlotte shrugged her shoulders and whispered, “What’s B&E?”

With a devilish grin, Myra whispered, “Breaking and entering.”

Charlotte caught her breath. “Oh my!” Then she giggled.

Chapter 31

Rural Michigan

“I don’t know how you do this,” Yoko whined as she adjusted herself for the umpteenth time. “It’s not that this fine seat isn’t comfortable, but sitting for such Copyright 2016 - 2024