Bitter Pill (Sisterhood #32) - Fern Michaels Page 0,48

That’s all.” Myra took another deep breath and managed to calm herself.

“Eileen has had a good look at the floor plan of Marcus’s apartment. She’ll know where to plant bugs and cameras. And she’s quick. Most likely, she’ll plant a listening device next to the entry door. She has the office wired, so she’ll know when Marcus leaves. She is a crackerjack at her job,” Annie pointed out, trying to defuse any additional anxiety.

“You’re right.” Myra reached for her pearls. “So, when are we leaving for New York?” She grinned at Annie.

“As soon as I hear from Victor.”

“Fine.” Myra turned to Charlotte. “I don’t want to pressure you, dear. Do you think you’re up for this escapade?”

“I’ve got my running shoes on,” Charlotte said with gusto. “And it’s not because I’m running away!”

The women thrust their fists into the air. “Whatever it takes!” Their slogan, their chant.

Annie’s phone chimed. It was a text from Victor. Lunch? Day after tomorrow?

She turned to Myra and Charlotte. “Ladies, pack your bags. We’re going to New York for lunch.”

Responding to Victor, she punched in: Absolutely! Per Se? The salon? One o’clock. I’ll make the rez.

Seconds later, Victor responded. Splendid!

Annie quickly punched in the number of her personal concierge with instructions for train tickets on the Acela, lunch at Per Se, and a suite with adjoining rooms at the Ritz-Carlton. “Okay! We’re ready to roll. Maggie, you’ll meet up with us at the hotel after your interview with Mrs. Ringwood. We’ll have dinner and discuss our next move. By then, we’ll have more background on the Thompson situation and what is so intriguing in the Christie’s catalog.”

“I’ll pack the usual components you’ll need to communicate with us. I’m assuming Fergus and I will be holding down the fort here,” Charles offered with a wide grin.

“Darling, you are so right!” Myra beamed. Now the wheels were turning in the direction they needed to go.

Chapter 26

Sag Harbor

Sasha put her Brompton M6L folding bike into ride position. She loved its compactness and light weight. No more than twenty-four inches when folded and only twenty-six pounds. It could fit into most trunks and the backseat of any car, as well as in a helicopter. She was glad she had thought of it when she hitched a ride with Jason. Traffic was rather light on the East End of Long Island, and it would become pretty obvious if a car was trailing someone. But someone on a bicycle wouldn’t be noticed.

Pedaling out to Corbett’s place, she checked the odometer. It was five miles from her motel to his house and another five miles to his office in the village. Easy peasy. She rolled past the driveway and stopped to take a swig from her water bottle. She spotted the blue Mercedes. So, he hadn’t left yet. Or maybe he had taken a cab? She hopped back on the bike, rode a few hundred yards down the road, and stopped again. This time she pretended to tie her shoe. After turning the bike around, she was heading toward Corbett’s house again when a blue Mercedes passed her on the other side of the road. It was Corbett. She stopped, waited a few minutes, and then started toward his house again. There were no signs of movement outside. She stashed the bike in the hedge and carefully made her way to the back door, peeking into the windows. No movement inside, either.

After looking around for any other signs of life, she pulled herself up onto the second-story deck. She checked the sliding patio door. Unlocked. This is going to be almost too easy, she thought, until she heard the crunching of gravel in the driveway. She listened carefully as she leaned into the building, trying to conceal herself from view. She heard women’s voices chattering in a foreign language. It was Russian. She could make out a few words that indicated they were there to clean the house. She had to think fast. She couldn’t climb down without them seeing her. If she stayed in a fixed position, she might be able to avoid their attention. But for how long? After listening for a few more minutes, she realized that there were only two of them. Their voices trailed off as they entered the house. She could hear only mumbling from her vantage point on the deck.

Sasha checked her immediate surroundings. On the deck there were two chaise lounge chairs and a box, which probably contained the cushions for the chairs. With Copyright 2016 - 2024