Bitter Pill (Sisterhood #32) - Fern Michaels Page 0,46

could hear clicking. Probably her typing something into a computer.

A few minutes later, “The doctor will see you now.” A soft buzz could be heard, presumably opening the glass doors that led to the patient examination rooms.

Avery switched to the hallway microphone. “Good morning, Elizabeth. Feeling a bit peaked? Let’s see how we can make that better. Please, step inside.”

A quick switch to the microphone planted in the patient suite. Dr. Steinwood continued, “Tell me. How long have you felt this way?”

Mrs. Kaplan’s voice was just as clear as his. “A couple of days. I seem to have good days and bad ones. One day I’m fit as a fiddle, and the next, I’m just a wet noodle.”

“As I explained, it takes our bodies time to adjust to the synapses and integration of the protocol.” Steinwood was using some doctor babble on her. “Let’s check your blood pressure.” Steinwood buzzed for the nurse. “Sylvia, could you please come in here and check Mrs. Kaplan’s blood pressure?”

“Certainly, Doctor,” was the response.

“I’ll get your supplements while Sylvia takes your pressure.” Steinwood could be heard leaving the room as the nurse entered.

Avery followed the sound of Steinwood moving down the hallway and into the rear office. He heard the clicking sound of a door and switched to the camera, hoping Steinwood would open the vault, and he could get a look inside. Genius! Now, if Steinwood would only move just a few inches to the right, he would have a clear shot into the vault. Bingo! Hundreds of color-coded boxes filled the vault. Steinwood pulled a small portable table next to him and placed nine different boxes on it. As Steinwood opened each box, Avery could see eight green bottles with a numbered code. They looked like medications. The ninth box contained vials. Steinwood pulled one out. Next to the vault were shelves with beautifully decorated boxes. Steinwood placed the eight bottles in one of these boxes and then placed the box in a beautiful matching shopping bag. He put the vial in his pocket and reached for a syringe that was kept in a basket. After carefully locking the vault, he turned quickly. Avery was taken aback at how close Steinwood’s face came to the camera. Then the screen went dark as Steinwood turned off the light.

Avery went back to the audio files. Steinwood reentered the room in which Mrs. Kaplan waited. “Here you go, my dear.” Avery could hear the rustling of paper. Must be the shopping bag. “Now let’s roll up our sleeve for our booster shot.” Again, with the first-person plural? Avery shook his head. What a con job.

“Oh, Dr. Steinwood. I do appreciate what you are trying to do for me. I hope I start to see some results soon. At least get off this roller-coaster ride.” Mrs. Kaplan almost sounded apologetic that she wasn’t responding to the treatment faster.

“Now, now. Don’t you fret. It takes time. We’ll see you next week?” he asked kindly.

“Of course!” Mrs. Kaplan brightened. “Thank you so much. Have a lovely day.” More paper rustling, and Avery switched to the reception-area audio file.

In a matter-of-fact voice, the receptionist said, “That will be eight thousand dollars, Mrs. Kaplan.”

Avery almost fell off his chair. Those must be very special pills.

He fast-forwarded the recordings to see if there was anything else he could summarize for Charles. According to the timer on the recording devices, it was just around noon when Steinwood entered the reception area.

“Ladies, that will be all for today. Not to worry. You’ll get your full pay. I’m going to a car show in Las Vegas this afternoon. I’ll be back in two days.”

Avery sent a report to Charles, along with the video footage.

Vault holds what looks like different meds in green bottles. Also vials. All unknown substances. Color coded and numbered. Saw one patient today. Leaving for a car show in Vegas for the next two days. O&O (over and out).

Avery was pleased with what he had discovered. Looked like a pill mill, but where were they coming from? That would probably be a riddle for Charles and the sisters to unravel. Meanwhile, he would scope out the house and the garage. Car show. Now it was starting to come together. Just how many and how expensive? would be the next questions.

Chapter 25


Returning to the war room, all the women saluted Lady Justice, Charlotte included.

Charles checked to see if any additional information had come in. “Splendid. More intel.” Charles beamed. “Avery got a Copyright 2016 - 2024