Bitter Pill (Sisterhood #32) - Fern Michaels Page 0,20

you have to sign a release or waiver before you can be admitted. And an NDA.”

Myra frowned. “No insurance? A release? A nondisclosure agreement?”

“Yes. He said it’s done all the time because it takes so long before certain protocols are approved by the FDA. They have great reviews. Anyway, as I mentioned briefly in my letter, he set up a program for me in which I get a shot every week and take several different pills throughout the day.” Charlotte paused to take a sip of her tea as she eyed the glass of sherry.

“What kind of shot? And what kind of pills?” Myra knew she would have the answer to one of those questions in a day or so, but she didn’t want Charlotte to know she had been spying on her.

“Some kind of vitamin shot, and the pills are natural remedies for brain function, lungs, kidneys, and circulation. He gave me a personalized brochure with the information and instructions.”

“Do you have it with you?” Myra asked.

“No. It’s back in Aspen. The thing is, when I get the shot, I feel good for about two to three days. The pills don’t seem to be doing much for my cognitive abilities, though. In fact, sometimes I think things get worse between shots.”

“And how long have you been in this program?”

Charlotte thought a moment. “About four months. They say it takes about six months for the results to kick in.”

Myra was pleased at the direction the conversation was going. She gestured to the sherry, hoping it would loosen Charlotte up even more. The need for information was urgent.

“What does he charge, if you don’t mind my asking?” Myra was gentle with her prodding.

“It’s been running about twenty-five thousand dollars a month.” Suddenly, Charlotte looked a little sheepish, anticipating Myra’s reaction.

Myra somehow managed to remain calm, but her blood was boiling. “That’s a lot of money, dear. Especially if you’re not feeling better. What is the time frame for this protocol? Months? Indefinitely?”

“I’m supposed to get a blood workup after six months, which is why he insisted I see Dr. Marcus in London. Not to lose the benefits of the treatment and invalidate the results, as he said.”

“And then what?” Myra was still holding her temper. She wanted to strangle Steinwood, Marcus, and the other dirtbag partner. But their time would come. And very soon if the sisters had anything to do with it.

“I guess they’ll make an evaluation and decide what, if anything, I need to do. But to be perfectly honest, I feel better now than I did while I was taking those pills. I haven’t had a shot, either.” Charlotte had a perplexed look on her face.

Seizing the moment, Myra offered the suggestion she had been waiting for an opportunity to make. “You stopped the pills? How about this? I’ll make an appointment with my doctor and have him do a full workup. I trust him completely.”

“Oh, I don’t know, Myra. Isn’t that a bit extreme?”

“Considering you have spent over one hundred thousand dollars and are not feeling better, I think it only stands to reason that you get another physician to consider your condition and give you a second opinion. And now you tell me you’ve been feeling better after you stopped? I won’t hear another word of protest. I am going to call him right now. You sit tight and enjoy the scones. Charles made them while you were out. I’ll be right back.” Myra leaped from her chair and made a controlled dash into the kitchen and down the stairs to the war room.

After saluting Lady Justice, Myra came up behind Charles to see what he was looking at on his monitor.

Charles growled at what he was reading. It was news from Avery Snowden. On the other hand, Myra was jubilant because she had convinced Charlotte to see a doctor.

Both started to talk at the same time and then laughed at each other’s excitement and agitation.

“You go first, dear.” Charles smiled at her.

Myra took in a deep breath. “I got a good deal of information from Charlotte. She has been seeing Steinwood for four months, to the tune of twenty-five thousand a month!”

Charles snickered. “Yes, according to Avery, that seems to be the going rate for this ‘sustaining your youth program. ’” Charles accentuated the term with air quotes. “That is one of their taglines, by the way.”

“Well, Charlotte has agreed to see Dr. Falcon for a complete blood workup. I am going to make the Copyright 2016 - 2024