Bitter Pill (Sisterhood #32) - Fern Michaels Page 0,18

and being no better off than before the treatment began. He had politely reminded them of the waiver and nondisclosure agreement they had signed. Ironclad. As long as nobody died. But that was a problem. Because somebody had died. And someone from Natural Way Magazine was breathing down Corbett’s neck for an interview. The one thing they did not need was publicity, since they were practicing medicine without a license, a fact that too much transparency might bring to light.

Live-Life-Long managed its reputation through false advertising and phony review websites and blogs. Yes. It was definitely time to convene a meeting with his partners and develop a strategy for exiting the health-care profession unscathed. He snickered at the words health care. As applied to their work, an oxymoron at the very least.

Chapter 12


When Charlotte finished her spa visit, she felt like she was walking on air. She couldn’t remember the last time she had felt so rejuvenated, including the time after getting her shots from Drs. Steinwood and Marcus. She was beginning to question her judgment. Maybe their longevity program wasn’t right for her. She decided to discuss it with Myra. Myra was always so wise about things like this, and if necessary, Charles could provide information about the program and the doctors. Yes. She was going to talk about her “condition.” Whatever the heck her “condition” was.

The sleek town car pulled through the gates at the entrance to the farm. Charlotte was almost giddy at the thought of spilling her guts to Myra. The driver opened the passenger door and helped her out of the backseat. She reached over for the beautiful package wrapped in white linen, adorned by an equally beautiful orchid. It was a box of Myra’s favorite white chocolate. Charlotte was so pleased that the spa was only a few doors from the chocolatier. Even though candy was the source of Myra’s fortune, the little shop was owned by a French couple who made the most divine white chocolate. For years, Myra had tried to get her kitchen crew to replicate the taste, all to no avail. Charles had once whispered in her ear, “My dear, sometimes a little mystery can be exciting.” Charles would occasionally use that phrase, which always made Myra blush with delight. Charlotte knew Myra would protest, but Charlotte was determined to show her appreciation for all the attention and care she was being shown.

Edward, the driver, tipped his hat and walked Charlotte to the front door. Rarely did anyone come through the main entrance. The sisters always used the kitchen. As the door swung open, Charlotte was greeted by all five dogs yapping in anticipation of pats and snuggles. “Oh my goodness!” Charlotte said gleefully. “I don’t have enough arms!” She handed the box to Charles as he tried to round up the pups. Charlotte squatted and sat on the floor, then let the dogs climb all over her. She cackled with glee.

Charles was very pleased to see Myra’s friend in such a good mood. She seemed almost euphoric.

“I thought I heard laughter and yapping,” Myra said, entering the foyer with a huge grin on her face. She, too, was thrilled to see Charlotte in such a joyful mood. Maybe this is the time to start prying for information, she thought. Well, not right now, but soon. Perhaps during tea. Myra smiled to herself. Charles will serve a nice glass of sherry, which should put Charlotte into a state of complete relaxation. Not that she could get any more relaxed without passing out.

Addressing the pooches, Myra announced, “Okay, girls. Let Charlotte get her bearings so we can have tea.” As if the dogs understood English, they all rolled over, vaulted up, and sat in a straight line.

Charlotte was dumbfounded. “How in the . . . ?”

“It’s the ‘Okay, girls’ command,” Charles interjected. “They also know they will get a t-r-e-a-t.” Though Charles had spelled it out, the dogs knew exactly what he meant, and tails were wagging as if to the beat of a drum. “And they can spell.”

Everyone roared with laughter, causing the dogs to yip and yap some more.

“Come,” Myra said, helping Charlotte up off the floor. “Do you want to change your clothes, or are you comfortable?”

“If I were more comfortable, I would be a muddle of mush!” Charlotte said happily. She linked arms with Myra as she was led to the small atrium adjacent to the kitchen. “Oh, this is lovely. I don’t remember seeing it last Copyright 2016 - 2024