Bitter Kisses (It's Just High School #3) - Thandiwe Mpofu Page 0,4

wonder if she knows that Nathan is going to play her.

Silence falls over us. I’m sure they can both hear my heart beating.

“I think she needs a bit more incentive, don’t you think Courtney?” Nathan says, looking at me. I glance at Courtney who all but jumps gleefully as she rushes to her bag.

I feel the blood in my veins start swooshing violently, my heart starts pounding harder as I watch her, feeling the gloom of the moment. When Courtney turns back to look at me, the sickly-sweet smile on her face makes me feel faint, but it’s the black envelope in her hands that makes my heart stop beating.

“Do you want to see what’s in here, Mia?” she says softly, tauntingly, knowing exactly what she’s doing to me. “Do you want to see the signatures on this marriage contract?”

Oh God.

It’s actually happening.

I’m too well versed in Courtney’s smiles to recognize that she’s not bluffing. Whatever’s in there will effectively break my heart. So, do I want to actually see some girl’s flowery signature next to Julian’s, promising each other for the rest of their lives, a life doesn’t include me? No thanks.

“Wanna see?” Courtney mocks.

“No,” I whisper. “I’ll sign whatever you need me to sign.”

“Good! See, you are smart!” Courtney says almost excitedly.

“Yes, just one more thing, princess. If you think there’s a part of this that you can rig, if you think you can get out of this agreement, then you’re sadly mistaken,” Nathan says menacingly, ruthlessly, the meaning behind his words echoing in my head. “I see everything. I know everything and you will comply, if you don’t want blood to be shed.”

I hold his gaze for a long moment. I can feel the darkness closing in on me, my life becoming nothing more than a dying flicker. A single tear races down my cheek.

This is for Julian.

“Where’s the pen?”



After two weeks of tensions mounting, hard truths being exposed and the disgusting actions of the rich and privileged finally being realized, Palos Verdes’ very own football star—now with a highly uncertain future—Julian Fitzgerald goes to court today.

Out on bail set at a whooping $2 million dollars on the very day he was arrested, Julian Fitzgerald seems to be untouchable even with the number of charges against him; kidnapping, assault, rape, just to mention a few.

It’s no surprise that the defense team of the poor victim, whose been through so much, Mia Montague, is pushing for justice at all costs.

The nation now waits on pins and needles for the outcome of today’s hearing.

However, while there’ve been calls for justice, there have also been reports of a social media uproar as many, nation-wide, come out in defense of the famed young star, Fitzgerald.

Now, we’re left to wonder, is he guilty or did Mia Montague cry wolf and make this all up just to stain another wealthy legacy as some sort of smear campaign?


@clintwoodhotsuff: Ice Queen, Mia freaking Montague, what a fucking joke. I bet you anything she made all this up because he moved on to better. #desperatewhore

@richkid_: Please, that’s what you desperados do nowadays. You took the whole ‘trap him’ thing to a new level. Just lie that he raped you. Not that I blame Fitz. I’d tap that if given the chance.

@marg47: That bitch is an attention seeker. Prancing around the school like she owns it. She deserves to get thrown in jail! Look at what she’s done to sexy Julian. #desperatewhore #tiredbitch #povertystricken

@palosverdesmetro: Julian Fitzgerald: rising, knowing no one will touch him.

Ice Queen Mia: someone hold my freaking wine cooler.

@sexyvee: That bitch set my husband up! There’s no way Julian MOTHERFUCKING Fitz would stoop so low 4 her. #desperatewhore

@yngyen: Bet she got fucked and dumped, then she decided to cry rape. Like bitch, what? We all know how broke you are. And to think her mother was an icon. Bet she’s turning in her grave right about now.

@theOG: Nah, I think she’s being honest. Why would Mia Montague lie? She’s not dramatic. She’s not as desperate as many of you are saying, smearing her own name with lies in the wake of her mother’s death? That doesn’t sound like her. You guys are the reason why women decode not to come forward when they’re abused. You should be ashamed. Poor Mia. I hope they lock Fitz up forever.

@queencasey: Whatever. Can’t wait to see what the #RACK does to her. Heard they’re going to eviscerate that Ice Queen bitch.

@naenaebitch: You know Copyright 2016 - 2024