A Bird in the Oven - Kata Cuic Page 0,23

the way I know he likes to be hugged. “I know. I know. You want me to be surrounded by your sexually suggestive pheromones to prime my body for receiving your super sperm.”

He strokes my hair softly then does that sensual thing where he rolls a strand between his fingers. His other arm wraps around my back. “I do not know if I possess super sperm. I have admitted that I have never been tested for fertility issues. There was never a need. If you would like me to, I can set up an appointment. I would very much hate to put you through the rigorous mating techniques I have in mind for no reason.”

I pull away to stare at his mouth with a raised eyebrow that he’ll recognize as confusion. “Why would you hate to have sex with me?”

If I needed any more proof of just how much Oliver loves sex—what he’s willing to suffer to attain that goal—he’s given it to me with his inadvertent admissions tonight.

He frowns. “As you already know, a woman only has four to five days during each menstrual cycle when conception is possible though the actual number is closer to two. The five-day lifespan of sperm allows for a bit of a buffer. You will have two ovulation periods before Thanksgiving. In order to maximize that window of possibility, we will need to engage in coitus often. You will be very sore.”

“You’re going to make me sore?” I try to remember if I’ve ever seen a woman waddling away from his condo the morning after, but there are no memories to recall. I always made sure not to be home after the nights his thumping headboard kept me awake. Which usually meant I was chugging coffee at the nearest Starbucks while catching up on reading for work.

“That is correct,” he murmurs as he stares at my hair still slipping between his fingers like it’s the most mesmerizing sight in the world.

“How many times a day are you planning to have sex with me during my fertile windows?” Even one round with the kind of heat he’s packing would likely leave me tender for a day or two.

“Ideally, three to five times per day for five days. It remains to be determined how much either of us can withstand.”

I cough through my shock.

He pats my back. “Perhaps I should have my sperm examined first. I truly do not wish to cause you any pain, but we are working against a ticking clock. Desperate times call for desperate measures.”

“Ollie,” I sputter. “We can’t take a week off from work twice in the next two months to stay in bed all day while you pound me into human hamburger!”

His expression curdles. “I do not like that analogy.” His eyes flit back and forth as he runs through his calculations. “We will not require time off from work. Testosterone levels are generally highest in the morning, so one session when we wake up, perhaps a second if we have time before work, then another every hour after we return home until bedtime will suffice.”

“You’re almost thirty, not sixteen!” My first boyfriend was ravenous in the back seat of his car, but even he didn’t have that short of a refractory period. The length of time between rounds has gotten longer with age, not shorter.

Ollie frowns. “This is why I insist we practice before our efforts truly matter. Adjustments will inevitably need to be made depending on a great number of variables for a wide range of potential issues in order to ensure a positive outcome when the time is right.”

It pains me to hear Oliver speaking so clinically about being with me since I’ve spent many nights imagining him making love to me. I’m also dying of curiosity to find out what he’s turned up. One of the best parts of his personality is his willingness to admit when he doesn’t know something. Of course, being the genius he is, he’s better at researching an unfamiliar topic to come up with solid answers than anyone I know. He’s thorough and precise. He leaves no stone unturned long after most people are satisfied with a single source.

“Okay,” I say, my curiosity overriding my hesitance to forever alter our relationship. There’s no going back from this, but I want to give Ollie something he loves. Ollie obviously loves sex. I’m done with my period, so that’s no longer a valid excuse. “Let’s practice.”

His entire expression lights up. He kisses

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