The Billionaire's Revenge (The Blank Check #6) - Jeannette Winter Page 0,28

opportunity to change up his attire a bit. “I’ll be sure to clear my afternoon.”

“It won’t take that long to get a shirt,” he said.

Mama walked away laughing and Gianna bit her lip. “I was thinking you might want help with finding something to wear for Saturday. It’s a jeans and t-shirt event.”

“And you don’t think I own a pair?” he asked.

“Do you?”

Jordan reached across the table and covered her hand with his. “I’m not at all what I appear to be on the outside. You’ll see. Boring is not how you’ll describe our time together.”

Nope. Unpredictable. Hot. Steamy. Wrong and yet so very right.

“Guess only time will tell,” she said.

“Let’s eat before Mama comes back thinking we don’t like the food and brings us something else.”

She was glad for the change of subject. Gianna didn’t want to think past this moment. Tomorrow would come fast enough.


“You’re joking right? There is no way in hell I am wearing this,” he stated pulling the cowboy hat off his head and placing it on hers. “Now on you, it looks good.”

“I don’t know. I thought you looked cute,” Gianna said.

“I haven’t been cute since I was ten,” Jordan corrected her.

“Fine. You’re not cute.” Gianna took the hat off her head and put it back on the rack.

Jordan picked up a hat that a jester might wear and placed it upon his head. “Now this one I think I could pull off.” Gianna turned around and he could tell by the smile in her eyes, that it worked.

“You’re right. This hat is definitely you. I expect to see you wearing it on Saturday,” she said.

As he removed the pointy multi-colored hat he replied, “When did this become a costume party?”

“Don’t tempt me to change it. I bet Rosslyn would love it,” she warned him.

“Unfortunately you’re right. But do you really want to meet all my brothers dressed in a costume? And if so, I want to pick it out,” he teased.

“Oh no you don’t.”

“Am I not out here shopping for a purple dress shirt?” he asked.

“That’s totally different,” she stated.

“How?” he asked.

“Mrs. Marciano agreed with me. And if I’m wrong, I didn’t force you to do anything. You invited me to come along to keep you company.”

“And next time we go to Mama’s Place to eat, I’ll be wearing the purple shirt too.” He knew if he didn’t, he’d never hear the end of it.

“If I go back there I’ll need to run a marathon every day just to burn off the calories.”

“Since this is the fourth store you dragged me to, I think you’re off to a good start,” he grumbled. “Are we done now?”

“I cleared my schedule to shop. That’s what we’re doing,” she explained. “But if you have something else you’d like to do instead…”

“Just about anything,” he blurted.

“Are you telling me you didn’t have any fun?” she asked.

“I enjoy spending time with you. Does that count?” he asked. He couldn’t remember the last time he went out to a store to shop. Either he ordered it online, or he called his tailor. Going into stores and trying things on, only not to purchase them, seemed like a total waste of time.

“How about we take a break and I finally take you up on that offer for coffee,” she said.

“Sounds good to me. I know this café not far from here.”

“My feet are killing me and I need to get these heels off,” Gianna said. “I can’t promise my coffee will be as good, but I’d be happy to put on a pot.”

His afternoon was looking up. “Sounds good.” He carried the numerous shopping bags to the limo that had been parked outside waiting for them to return.

The driver opened the trunk and said softly in a joking tone, “Will this be all Mr. Lawson, or would you like to go to the mall next? I’m sure they have”

“The mall?” Gianna said coming around the side of the car. “I never thought about going there. Did you want to go?”

Fuck no!

“I thought your feet were hurting you,” he said.

“They are, but if you wanted to go, I’d suffer through it.”

It was a nice thought, but he’d never want her doing such a thing. “This was already more than I expected to do.” As he escorted her to get into the limo he added, “I never knew it could take three hours to shop. I can’t remember the last business meeting I had that went that long.”

They got inside and “You Copyright 2016 - 2024