The Billionaire's Revenge (The Blank Check #6) - Jeannette Winter Page 0,22

every time my mother says it.” There was a difference. Her mother used it when she pressured Gianna about getting married and having children. Thankfully Dolores shared the status of happily single, just like her.

“Since I’m three months older than you, I’d never say that. But if you’re not careful, you’re going to break.” Dolores looked at her and said, “You need to shower and change for work anyway, so why not do it after a run? I promise, we’ll make it a short one.”

“And what do you consider short?” she asked. Dolores was the fitness queen in the building.

“Five miles,” she replied.

Gianna sighed, “Make it three and you’re on.”

Dolores smiled. “I was willing to settle for two, but you have a deal. Now get going. Time’s wasting.”

Gianna rushed into her bedroom and quickly changed into her work out clothes. She did a bit of stretching and then headed out to Dolores. “Was that fast enough for you?”

“Today, yes. But tomorrow, no excuses. Now let’s get going and you can tell me why you couldn’t sleep.”

“I told you already. Work,” she said as she grabbed her keys and they headed out.

Dolores huffed. “One of these days you’re going to have something more exciting to talk about. You really need to get a life.”

“I have one. I run my own business,” Gianna stated.

“Oh Dolores, you need this run more than you know,” Dolores said.

“Trust me, right now all I need is sleep.”

“When I’m done with you, sleeping won’t be a problem. Now pick up the pace, you’re lagging behind,” Dolores said.

Gianna began jogging faster, but Dolores had an advantage. Dolores had five inches on her. “I think I need a shorter running partner,” she joked.

“Nope, just more practice. Tomorrow we can do four miles.”

She wanted to back out, but Dolores was right about one thing, she needed to do something. At least running took her mind off both Marvin and Jordan. At least for the moment.

When they got back to the apartment building she said, “Thanks Dolores, that was good. And I have just enough time to shower and get to work.”

“I thought you made your own hours,” Dolores said.

“Yes I do. That means going in early and leaving late,” Gianna explained. Yesterday afternoon didn’t count. And she made it up by working most of the night, not that she needed to explain it to anyone.

“Try to get home earlier tonight, because I’ll be by tomorrow at the same time and I expect to see you dressed and ready,” Dolores said as she left Gianna standing in front of the building.

Oh joy. Can’t wait. It’s just what I need. Something else on my schedule when there already aren’t enough hours in the day.

With everything she’d done last night, she really expected for her phone to start blowing up with calls from potential employees. Gianna highly doubted Jordan would talk about what Lawson Steel needed over dinner tonight, but if he did ask any questions, she wanted to be ready. If she had her choice, she’d rather talk about Marvin again. At least she knew where she stood on that.

It didn’t take her long to get ready and head into the office. Even before her feet hit the payment, the calls starting coming in.

Yes. This is going to be a good day.


“How can one woman be so damn hard to find?” Marvin grumbled.

Jordan couldn’t believe this is what he was dealing with right now. There was only so much he could blow Marvin off before Marvin began to question why. “Why is it so important for you to find Gianna? Has Rhonda finally given up on your ass?”

Marvin laughed. “Never. I could pick up the phone and she’d see me. Might take a little bit of convincing, maybe a trip to Paris, but she’d take me back. But it is getting old. I want something different.”

“That doesn’t answer why it has to be Gianna,” Jordan said.

“You mean besides the fact that she can kiss, like the kind a man dreams about? Damn it Jordan, I still can’t believe you didn’t go for it when I left.”

He didn’t want to hear about their sex life. No amount of alcohol would make that bearable. Jordan also wasn’t going to go back down that path. He knew Marvin wanted him to admit to something that didn’t happen. “You know what I’m talking about Marvin,” he growled.

Marvin nodded. “Gianna was special. I didn’t appreciate her like I should’ve back then.”

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