The Billionaire's Practice Kiss - Tamie Dearen Page 0,42

his head as if he were addressing a small child. “Let’s just say there are two sides to every story. But we’re not here to discuss our past marital problems. I want to make up for what happened. Smooth the way for your mother to get back with all her friends.”

“Whatever. Not sure she still cares about those women. She might prefer to get back the money you stole from her.”

“She and I have been discussing financial matters, as well. But that’s neither here nor there.”

Logan chafed at Chester’s smug expression. The snake knew he’d dropped a bombshell. Not that he would ever return the money, but that he’d been talking to Logan’s mother. She hadn’t mentioned it. How long had it been since Logan had spoken with her? A week? Two? Had his mother bought the baloney Chester was peddling? Logan needed to slip away and call her. Find out the truth.

“Why are we sitting at the table?” Ellery broke in, resting a gentle hand over Logan’s. “Why don’t you two go talk in the living room while I clear the dishes?”

She looked so hopeful, Logan didn’t want to disappoint her. Poor thing missed her family every day. Of course she wanted Logan and his father to get past their differences. Somehow, Logan had to explain why that could never happen. But it would involve revealing a lot more secrets about his painful childhood, and Logan wasn’t ready to relive those moments. He wasn’t sure he ever would be.

“Good idea,” Logan said, standing up. “Chester, you wait in the living room. I’ll be right there.”

When Chester had departed, Logan grabbed the few remaining dishes and followed Ellery into the kitchen. “Hey. I need to call Mom right quick. If Chester asks, tell him I took a restroom break.”

“Okay.” She gave an uneasy glance over her shoulder toward the living room. “Hurry back.”

Chester gave Ellery the heebie-jeebies. There was just something about him. Something smarmy. She couldn’t put her finger on it. He’d seemed like the perfect gentleman. He’d been polite and apologetic. He hadn’t demanded her forgiveness or excused his behavior toward her at the wedding. But Ellery had a kind of people radar, and Chester was lighting it up. The man didn’t like her—plain and simple. That he didn’t like her wasn’t the issue. Pretending he did was what made her wary.

“You don’t think much of me, do you?” Chester’s voice startled her, but she managed not to jump.

“My opinion doesn’t matter,” she said smoothly as she rinsed a plate and put it in the dishwasher. “I want what’s best for Logan.”

“I see.” His voice came from right behind her. Goose bumps erected on her arms. “Then you and I have the same goal. That’s what I want.”

“I’m not sure I believe you.” She grabbed a dish towel and turned to face him. He made no attempt to hide a wince when he saw her scar, probably more vivid than ever, considering the heat in her face. “But even if you do want what’s best for him, I doubt you know what that is.”

“I know more than you do.” He spread his stance and folded his arms. “For instance, I know my friend Duane has changed his opinion of Logan. A few years ago, he forced Allegra to break off the relationship. But he’s changed his mind.”

“Is that so?” Unable to hide her irritation, Ellery spewed sarcasm. “Now that Logan has money and powerful friends, he’s good enough for the senator’s daughter?”

“That’s right.” Chester smiled, displaying even white teeth like a shark. “The door is open now. Logan could have everything he always wanted. Respect. Friends. Business opportunities. He could step back into society and bring his mother with him.”

“If that’s what he wants, I hope it happens.”

“There’s only one thing standing in his way right now…” Chester turned his head toward the empty hallway leading toward the bedrooms. “You. Because of you, Logan won’t even consider the possibility.”

“How am I blocking Logan?” Ellery braced herself, trying to still the tremble in her legs, one she hoped her jeans were hiding. “If it weren’t for me, he wouldn’t even be talking to you.”

“You’re absolutely right. Logan has given up every goal he ever had and replaced them with a new one—making you happy.”

“That’s not true,” she croaked, willing her eyes to stay dry.

“Isn’t it?” He paused, lifting his chin. “Think for just a minute. If I’d walked in the house a few months ago and told him Allegra Copyright 2016 - 2024