A Billionaire's Holiday Love - Posey Parks Page 0,5

renovate your house.” His face softened.

I raised my hand. “No, you’re on vacation. I won’t add to your workaholic problem.”

Noah laughed. “Woman, hear me out. I have to renovate my cabin before I sell it.”

His green eyes held my attention. More like held me in some sort of trance.

“You’ll have to help with both renovations.”

So far it sounded like a great plan. But I’d have to work in his sexy presence daily. How long would it take before I wanted him to reupholster my pussy with his cock? Just because he was tall didn’t mean he had a nice size dick. He could be challenged in that department.

“Hope, are you listening?” His thick brown brows rose. “What do you think?”

My cheeks lifted. “I can do that.”

Noah released me. I immediately missed his touch. What was wrong with me? I didn’t even know this guy. One conversation didn’t make us besties.

I cocked a brow. “That’s it?”

“And cook dinner a few times a week.”

“I can’t cook.”

He scratched his forehead. “Shit, that sucks.”

I burst into laughter. “Just messing with you. I’m a southern girl. Of course, I can cook. My mother ensured my sister and I knew how to throw down in the kitchen.” I smiled brightly.

He exhaled. “Thank God.”

“Noah, how long will you be in town?”

“As long as I need to be. And you?”

“Until the week after Christmas.”

“So a little under a month?”


“Do we have a deal?” He slipped off his glove and extended his hand.

I yanked off mine. “Yup.” Our palms connected and a surge of energy shot through me. What was it about this man that drew me to him?

After he walked away earlier, I hoped I’d see him in town and we’d talk again.

I slipped my hand from his. “Sorry.” I felt my cheeks heat.

“I’ll see if there’s any wood out back and start a fire.”

“Ok, I have a lot to bring into the house.”

“Anything heavy, leave it and I’ll grab it.”

I nodded.

A few minutes later, I placed the groceries on the kitchen counter. My eyes fell around the small space. It wasn’t too bad. Nothing a little elbow grease couldn’t fix. I turned on the water in the sink and let it run.

Noah walked toward the fireplace.

“There wasn’t any wood. Which sucks. My grandfather always kept a pile a wood out back. I brought some over. Tomorrow, I’ll bring more.”

“Thank you.”

“No problem. Anything you need me to grab out of the truck?”

“No. Would you like a cup of coffee? I can get the machine I bought up and running in no time.”

Noah stuck a folded piece of paper between the wood chucks. Holding the lighter at the tip, he waited for the fire to catch.

“No, thanks. I need to check out my place.”

“What time do we start tomorrow?”

“Nine. I need to sleep in.”

“Sounds good. I can make breakfast.”

He sauntered toward me. “I’d love that.” He peeked around my place.

“You can’t sleep in that room tonight. It’s too cold. The sofa might be best.”

I wiggled my nose at the white sheet hiding the sofa.


The wolf howled again. This time he sounded closer. I gripped Noah’s arm, peeking out the window across the room.

“He’s coming for me.”

Noah chuckled. “He’s not. Maybe you should stay with me tonight. You can take the bed and I can sleep on the couch.”

I peered up at him. He had to be about six-four. Usually, men five nine were attracted to me because I was five four. Guess they felt tall in my presence.

“No. You’ve redeemed some of those Scrooge attributes, by extending me a helping hand.”

He shrugged. “Suit yourself. Lock the door behind me. Wouldn’t want that wolf walking in here.” He snickered.

I shoved him. “Not cool.”

“See you in the morning. Sleep tight.” He disappeared out the door.

After two hours of cleaning, I uncovered the sofa and sprayed an abundance of Lysol all over it. Releasing a deep breath, I stepped back and took in the space. I had to look on the bright side of things. I couldn’t change my outcome, so it made little sense to be bitter about the slight bump in my plans. The white fridge was no longer brown. A smile tugged at my lips. Only took a half a container of disinfected wipes to clean the kitchen. The weathered wooden counter top had seen better days. I never asked Noah what was his occupation. Maybe he was a carpenter. Thank goodness he came along.

Standing near my bed, I shrugged out of my coat and tossed it aside. Shivers

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