A Billionaire's Holiday Love - Posey Parks Page 0,23

I could help.”

A dark-haired lady with mocha skin waved in our direction. Ismael threw up his hand.

“Looks like you have a fan,” I winked.

Guess Ismael was sweet on dark chocolate.

He grinned. “See you two around. Enjoy.”

“You too,” Ismael.” I turned my attention back to the Carolers. They wore period pieces from the eighteen hundreds. The men wore black top hats with their suits. The women wore red and green bonnets. Layered skirts and high neck dresses warmed their frames.

“Come on. I’ll find us a table and order a cup of hot chocolate for you.”

I peeked up at him. “Are you ordering a cup for yourself?”

He stared at me for an extra second. “Yes.” We slowed near the exit.

“Are you enjoying yourself?”

I squeezed his arm. “Yes.”

Our gazes locked as we came to a stop.

“Look up.” Noah pointed toward the sky.

Peering upward, my gloved hand flew over my mouth. “Noah.” My heart raced. “Seriously? A mistletoe. For me?” A cloud of smoke left my parted lips as I planted my hands on his chest.

“I told you, Hope. You’re the only woman who can pull these feelings out of me.”

The smile lifting my cheeks burned. His large, rough hands caressed my face. Noah’s lips gently swept mine. My eager top lip pressed firm against his. Noah’s icy red tipped nose brushed my cheek as our lips locked again in another passionate tangle. Clapping hands whipped through the crisp air and the crowds cheering enveloped us. The nerve endings throughout my body felt like they’d been set on fire.

He broke our kiss and swiped a lock of dark hair away from my face.

“So beautiful,” several people shouted.

I waved. “Thank you.”

Noah and I sat on the bench, changed out of our skates and back into our boots.

“Who was the guy holding the mistletoe on the rod?”

He threaded our fingers and led me to a picnic table in front of a tiny green food hut under several strings of clear lights. I bet Delila and Stuart were inside.

On lookers huddled around the town square, marveling at the six Carolers. Tonight, was unforgettable. Noah made a grand gesture in front of the townspeople, kissing me. I didn’t expect that from him. He was all brooding. Like he was hurting inside. Not sure why he gravitated to me. The woman he called Ms. Christmas. My lips still tingled from the spark of our kiss. I couldn’t wait for our lips to touch again.

“I made a call to the courier office. Spoke to a kid who wanted to make a quick buck.”

“For what, like fifty dollars?”

His teeth clenched his lower lip as he slapped the table. “I’ll be right back. More like two grand.” Noah winked before turning toward the food hut.

My lips parted. I found it hard to wrap my mind around his unGrinch like behavior.

“And a partridge and a pair tree,” I sang along.

Wondered if we could sleep in tomorrow.

Rubbing my throbbing shoulder, my eyes fell over the ice skaters. A nice hot sudsy bath would massage my aching body.

“One hot chocolate for the beautiful lady.” Noah sat beside me and brushed my hand aside.

“I’ll rub your shoulders.” He wasted no time pressing his long fingers into my flesh.

“Delila and Stuart said hi.”

I grinned. “That reminds me, I need to talk to you about a business deal.”

My eyes hooded. “God, that feels good. We can discuss it tomorrow.”

“I’ll remind you.”

I nodded.

“I think it’s time to leave. You over did it.”

“Can we sleep in tomorrow?”

His lips pressed against my cheek. “Yes. How about after your bath you lay in my lap in front of the fireplace?”

I laid my hand on his forehead. “What happened to the Grinch?”

“I still loathe this stupid holiday. But hating you is impossible.”

“Come on. Sip and walk.”

“You sound like a wine commercial.”

We laughed.

“I’ll turn in the skates.” We strolled by the carolers in route to the counter. I stood to the side and sang along to ‘Jingle Bells’ while I waited for him.

Noah strolled toward me. “Did you have a good time?”

Looping my arm around his, I sipped the steaming hot chocolate. “Yes.”

“I’ll have the seat warm for your bottom in a second.” He opened the truck door, and I sat on the ice-cold black leather seat.

Fidgeting, I rubbed my gloved hands together. Noah cranked the heat the moment he slid behind the steering wheel.

I scanned the ice rink and people stalking toward the Carolers.

“Noah, was the mistletoe a slap in the face to Ismael?” I threw my gloves on top of his on

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