A Billionaire's Holiday Love - Posey Parks Page 0,20

holiday, he sure wants to be by my side at the events. And he’s helping me renovate my cabin.” I tapped the pen on my note pad.

“He’s rough around the edges, but he has a good heart, Hope. Something tells me you found yourself a good man.”

I waved my hands. “No. We’re just neighbors.”

Why am I lying to myself? I want to be in Noah’s life.

“For now,” she laughed.

“How long have you two owned the diner?”

“For five years. We’d been married for a year when Delila persuaded me to buy this place before we bought our first home.”

“It was the best decision we made.” She patted his broad chest.

“You two look young.” I pointed my pen between them.

“How old are you both?”

“I’m thirty-five and Delila’s thirty-seven.”

“We’re living out our dream. We love serving customers from all over the world.” Delila batted her long lashes up at Stuart.

They were a cute couple. Looked like they still had that spark between them.

“I think I have enough information for today. You’ll see my face again soon.”

“Delila will prepare a cup of hot chocolate for you. It’s on the house,” Stuart beamed, walking back to the grill.


Delila and I strolled toward the red counter.

“Stuarts nice. Thanks for introducing us. Happy I had the chance to interview you both.”

“You’re welcome.” She poured cocoa in a to go cup.

I peeked in the pie case. “Delila, I’d like half of the sweet potato pie and half of the apple.”

She smiled. “For you and Noah.”

“Yes. He wants us to be together. We just met. And he’s so guarded.” I shook my head.

She placed her hand over mine. “If you really like Noah sit down and have a heart to heart with him.”

“We’ve only been in each other’s presence a few days, but if we went our separate ways, a part of me would feel empty.”

“Stuart and I fell in love in an instant, too. We’ve been together for a long time.” She glanced to her right.

“He brightens every day.”

I rubbed her hand, and I felt my face soften. “Thank you.”

“Any time you want to talk, you know where to find me.”

“Yes.” I smiled.

After I left the diner, I bought a few gifts for Noah. It was the least I could do. He worked hard renovating our homes.


Attached to my hip as promised, Noah drove us into town. He wasn’t thrilled to wear the green sweater, but too bad. Noah could wear the flannels on other occasions. Snow flurries sprinkled our path like white fairy dust. I loved everything about this town. Clear lights dazzled every building. And the red lights offered a pop of color throughout.

“Noah, there’s a Christmas tree on the mountain dressed in white lights.” I pointed.

The tree stood out against the dark starry sky.

“Yup, I see it,” he mumbled under his breath.

“I’ve never ice skated at night. I wonder if they have reindeer skate covers.”

“Really, Hope?” He stared at the rearview camera as he backed into a parking spot.


His beard was neatly trimmed. I loved he could handle big and small tasks himself. He didn’t need to take a trip to the barber if he didn’t want to. I noticed he didn’t toss money around like it grew on trees. Noah definitely had enough to pay others to handle jobs for him.

“Don’t move. I’ll get your door.” He hopped out of the truck, tugging a black beanie down over his ears. The front of his hair peeked out. Noah opened my door and reached for my hand. A tingle shot through my body when our gloved fingers touched.

The tall, brooding gentleman kept me intrigued. Earlier, I missed being in his company when I interviewed the townspeople. Couldn’t wait to be in his presence again. This was my first-time riding in the car with him. Noah had good winter driving skills. I suppose he would, since he grew up in Aspen.

His eyes were dark green tonight. Noah’s smoldering gaze fell over me like I was a candy cane he wanted to lick until there was nothing left.

I rested the large shopping bag handle on my wrist. “No peeking.”

“Why won’t you just show me what’s in the bag?”

“You’ll see soon enough.”

He closed the door, locked our fingers, and stalked toward the ice rink. The wind whipped through my body. Note to self, buy a warmer coat. I pinched the red scarf tighter with my free hand, hoping the wind wouldn’t shoot down the front of my coat.

“No one will see the green sweater under my coat.”

I squeezed

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