A Billionaire's Holiday Love - Posey Parks Page 0,15

my side. I stretched my hand out and caressed his back. He flinched.

“Noah, I’ll give you time. But I want that story.”

“First thing in the morning, I’ll check your furnace. It’s too cold in different parts of your house.”

He ignored my statement and walked past me.

“I’ll crank the kerosene heaters.”


I hated how guarded he was.

Hope, leave the man alone. Enjoy your time here. Ice skating should be fun tomorrow evening.

Later that night, my eyes popped open, and I took in the dark cabin walls before I threw my legs over the side of the bed. The orange glow behind the kerosene heater grate lit my path to the bathroom. The icy toilet met my thighs, and a chill struck through me. I pulled the curtains back and peeked out the small window. My hand flew over my mouth. He was back. His pointy gray ears perked up. I flushed, washed my hands, and left the light off. Creeping down the hall, I poked my head into the guest room. My lips fell open. Where was Noah? Was he that upset about the interview? Shit, I forgot to ask to borrow a rifle. I walked back to my room. How could I sleep knowing the wolf was right outside my window? I halted on the threshold.

Snug under the blanket, his hand rested on his forehead. How did I not notice him beside me? Was I that comfortable around him already? No. Why did he enjoy sleeping with me, anyway?

I gripped his arm and shook him. “Noah, wake up.”

Every part of my body heated knowing he was in my bed.

“Yes, I’m awake. Hope, what’s wrong?” Noah sat straight up, tugging at his wild hair.

“He’s back. What do we do? I forgot to ask you to bring a rifle.”

Noah leaned over the side of the bed. “I ran next door and grabbed it while you were sleeping.” He brought the rifle into view.

“Stay in bed. I’ll check it out.” He hopped up.

“Noah, be careful.” He darted out of the room, slipped into his boots and coat, then walked out the door.

My heart pounded in my throat as I scurried to the window. He scoured behind our houses. Where did the wolf go?

Noah appeared again. Maybe the wolf ran back into the forest. This weekend I felt it was time to hunt the beast. The front door slammed closed, and I jumped back on my side of the bed and dipped under the blanket.

“What happened?”

Noah strolled back into the room, lying the rifle beside the bed. “He was gone. Maybe he kept coming back because this is his territory. I think he likes our land.” Noah climbed under the blanket.

“And why do you think it’s ok to keep turning up in my bed?”

His head wallowed on the fluffy festive pillow case.

He threaded his fingers through his hair and exhaled. “I like being close to you. And I told you I’d keep you safe. Hope, I wouldn’t cross the line unless you and I were on the same page.”

The orange light in the room reflected off of his handsome face, showcasing his green eyes. I sank into my pillow beside him.

“I’m resting my head against your arm.”


Pressing my head against his soft green thermal Henley, I curled my fingers around his bicep.

“Do you have these shirts in every color?” I tugged at his sleeve.

“Just about,” he grumbled.

“Growing up, my mom bought my brothers and I one pair of white- or cream-colored thermals. Would you believe the first thing I bought once I turned a profit were thermals in as many colors as I could find? Black, navy, brown, gray, teal, and orange, but no cream or white.”

I gripped his arm tighter.

“Yes, I can. That’s understandable.”

Noah had a rough life. No wonder he was so guarded of his memories. It was hard to explain, but each time he shared a piece of himself, I felt closer to Noah. I didn’t know what we were doing, especially after only knowing one another for two days.

I didn’t get the impression either of us gave off ‘the I want a relationship’ vibe.

Why was it easy to be around him? And why did I long to see his face every day?



“Good morning.” His deep voice boomed with excitement.

Flipping the sliced potatoes in the skillet, I peeked over my shoulder.

He leaned casually against the kitchen counter.

“Good morning, Noah. Did you sleep well?” my eyes combed over the blue and red striped flannel shirt, and the dark jeans that hugged his

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