The Billionaire's Christmas Bride (Big Bad Billionaires #3) - L. Steele Page 0,16

water, pours it over her shoulders. The bubbles cover her up to the swell of her breasts, but she’s naked below it… Is she? Did she take off her panties? I glance around, can’t see the abandoned lingerie…so she must have it on… Would the cloth be transparent enough for me to see through it to that melting center of her, that I desperately want to get my hands on? My cock throbs and blood thunders at my temples. "Get out of there."


"If you don’t step out…"

"What? You’ll step in?"

Oh, I’m tempted to, but considering I spent the last few hours in there already, I’ll pass. Doesn’t mean I am going to let her get away with this little tease-filled antic, either.

I toss her bra aside then reach over to grab her shoulder. She twists her body and water splashes onto my shirt. "Oops." She giggles in a voice that seems to imply she’s not sorry at all.

"Why you little—" I scowl, then straighten. "Stand up,” I snarl.

"Make me."

"You don’t want me coming in there. Trust me."

"Oh?" She tilts her head, "We’ll see, shall we?" She slaps the water; more of it splashes onto me. What the—? I fold my arms over my chest, lower my voice to a hush, "Up." I growl.

She swallows.

"Do it."

"You sure?" she asks.

"I won’t repeat myself."

"Fine." She juts out her chin.

"Fine?" I frown. Why is she agreeing so readily? She’s up to no good, for sure, she— She rises to her feet. Water pours from her slim frame down the jut of her hips, in between her legs…and fuck, I was wrong. She doesn’t have her panties on.

The water slides down her flat stomach, down to the triangle between her legs. And I can only watch as a drop clings to her pussy lips, begging me to go closer, closer. My knees bump into the side of the hot water tub. I blink.

"My face is up here," she drawls.

I can’t stop the chuckle that rumbles up my throat. "Very good." I tilt my head. "Clearly, you’ve been paying attention to our conversation, and PS," I make air quotes with my fingers, "you ain’t got nothin’ that I haven’t seen already."

She blinks, then gapes at me, "I was wrong about you."


"You’re not just an asshole, but a bloody, egoistical brute with no manners."

A grin threatens to split my face. I swallow it with a cough. "I’ll give you one thing though; you got my attention."

"Hallelujah." She raises her arms skyward and tilts her head back. Her tits jiggle with the action. My cock instantly springs to attention. Fuck. It’s not like I haven’t seen better-looking women—certainly, those with bigger tits, slimmer waists…curvier hips… But the complete package of the woman who stands knee-deep in bubbles, with her hair sticking to her forehead…the flushed cheeks, the pink lips… Yeah, the ones between her legs as well... All of it comes together in an amalgamation that is uniquely her… Something I want to get to know better… To own and to understand, to pull apart and piece together until she makes more sense… Until I get her out of my system, that’s all. Perhaps that’s reason to keep her around a little longer?

I jerk my chin, "Come on."

"Huh?" She frowns.

"Out of there. Chop, chop." I clap my hand. "You’ve got a lot of work to do."

Turning, I head for the doorway leading back to the house.

"Wait," she calls out.

I reach the door, step inside.

"Does this mean you accept my proposition?"

"It means," I turn to glance at her, "you’d better get inside before I change my mind."

She stares back, spine straight, shoulders hitched back. She props a hand on her hip, breasts thrust up, nipples pebbled— Hell, if she isn’t as aroused as I am feeling. This is going to be interesting. I start to close the door. She springs into action, clambers over the side of the tub. "Wait," she screeches.

My lips twitch as I try to keep the smile off of my face. "You have one minute to get your arse in here," I drawl.

"Bastard," she huffs.

I yawn, "You’re getting repetitive, Buttercup."

"Aargh." She makes a sound deep in her throat, "I hate that ridiculous name."

"Prefer Blossom? Or Bubbles, maybe?"

"No," she scoffs, "all three of the Powerpuff girls are dumb."

"Hey," I lower my chin, "you did not just say that."

"Yes, I did." She grabs her blouse, pulls it on and it falls to mid-thigh.

My gaze, of course, goes there, to the curved flesh that jiggles as she moves. Copyright 2016 - 2024