The Billionaire's Christmas Bride (Big Bad Billionaires #3) - L. Steele Page 0,148

to us, "Is that what I think it is?" She stares down at my hand.

I hold out my palm. She grabs my fingers and squeezes. "Ouch," I gripe.

"That's one big-ass ring, you bitch." She leans back, glowers at me, "You were holding out on me?"

"Relax," I assure her, "It happened only a few hours ago. He proposed—"

She squeals so loudly that everyone else in the room turns to us.

"Omigod, omigod." She claps her hands, " This is awesome! Another wedding to plan."

"" I shake my head.

"What do you mean?" she asks.

"No way, am I going in for the whole song and dance of a society wedding."

"But Amelie," she whines, “you only get married once."

"Which is why it's going to be something low key, and romantic... Something with a specially-crafted menu of desserts."

Weston, bends his head. "Will it have cock pops?" he whispers.

"Chocolate cockups," I correct him.

"What-fucking-ever," He grumbles, "as long as you bake them only for us, and only you eat them."

"Possessive, hmm?"

"Just don’t want anyone else's mouth on my penis, except yours."

"You got a deal." I grin.

"What did I miss?" Summer flounces in, hair flowing around her. She's in a festive onesie with glitter threaded through almost every inch of it.

"Woman, you're too bright for me." Sinclair prowls toward her. He makes a grab for her, but she evades him and giggles. He swoops down, hauls her close and she melts into his arms. They kiss, until her phone begins to ring. She tries to pull free, but he doesn't let her go. "Sinner," she mumbles against his mouth, "I need to get this."

"Fuck it.," he responds.

"It may be Karma. I’ve been hoping that she'd call."

He releases her lips, but holds her in the circle of his arms.

She pulls out her phone from her bag, "Hello?” she says. Her face brightens. "Karma!" she exclaims. "Where have you been? I was beginning to get worried."

She listens for a second, raises her gaze to Sinner.

He frowns down at her. Everything okay? he mouths.

She raises her shoulders. "You sure, you're fine?" she asks, then listens to the reply. "So you won't be home for the New Year either?"

Her lips curve down. "Aww honey, I miss you." She listens some more. "Well if that's what you want..." She tips up her chin, a worried set to her features. "Right, okay. Well I'll see you soon, I hope. You take care, sweetheart, oh! And Merry Christmas." She cuts the call.

"How is Karma?" I call out to her. "When is she coming back?"

Summer turns to me, "She sounded... Fine... I guess." Her forehead furrows. "She's staying on in Sicily for a while longer."

"Ooh." Isla rubs her hands together, "That's so romantic. Maybe her new boyfriend doesn't want to let go of her, huh?"

"Maybe," Summer says slowly. "I wish she'd come home. I want to meet him, you know? Make sure he's treating her right."

"I'm sure she's fine, babe." Sinclair kisses the top of her head. "He's probably being possessive, that's all."

She snorts, "You should know."

"You bet." Sinclair smirks, "Once you find the woman of your dreams, you never let her out of your sight, or out of your bed. You make sure you keep her satisfied enough that she never wants to leave your side; you—"

"Enough." She turns in his arms, slaps a hand on his mouth, "Honestly Sin, you have no filter."

"Not when it comes to you, I don't." He grins down at her.

"But when it comes to you, I know exactly what turns you on."

His eyes gleam, "And what's that?"

"You're all about the chase, my love."

"Am I now?" His lips curl.

"Yep." She tips up her head, "Like now—"

She yanks back in his grasp. His grasp loosens, and she pivots and takes off toward the inner rooms.

"What the—" He seems startled. "You come back here Summer, and finish what you started," he growls.

"Not happening." She laughs, "You going soft, Sin? Worried you've lost the edge? Bet you can't catch me." She disappears around the corner.

His jaw drops, "Why you little..." He takes off in hot pursuit.

There's another knock on the front door; it swings open, then Julia walks in. She glances around the room, then spots me. Her face brightens.

"Jules." I wave at her, "What are you doing here?"

"I invited her." Weston brushes his lips over my hair. Seems Dr. Alpha Claus can't keep his hands off of me, huh? I snuggle into his side. "Thanks," I say. "And by that, I assume you knew this little get together was happening?"

"I had an inkling."

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