Billionaire Unexpected~Jax -J. S. Scott Page 0,84

little bit of the hot stud who can make you come until you beg for mercy, too.”

I laughed as I wrapped my arms around his neck. “You know I do. Would you rather I called you my beautiful stud?” I asked.

“Baby, you can call me anything you want now that I know you’re going to marry me,” he replied.

“You know we’ll have to wait until after Hudson and Taylor get married, right?” I pondered. “I want to dedicate my time to her wedding first without being distracted by my own.”

“I know. I want that for Hudson, too. Valentine’s Day next year?” he asked hopefully.

I nodded slowly. “I think that would be incredibly romantic.”

“Let’s face it,” Jax said. “Your mom probably has most of it planned already. She’s already made it perfectly clear that she expects a grandchild or two.”

I groaned. “She’s pretty transparent on that issue.”

He threaded a hand into my hair and pulled my head down gently. “It doesn’t really matter to me, Harlow,” he said huskily. “A kid or two would be a great bonus, but I already have everything I want right now.”

My heart was racing as he pulled my mouth down to his, and gave me a toe-curling kiss that left me panting for more. “I’d like a child or two someday. I love you, Jax,” I said breathlessly once he’d released my mouth.

He grasped my ass and pulled me against his massive erection. “Baby, you know what happens when you say that. It makes me fucking crazy,” he growled.

Sometimes, anything I said made him hard, but I wasn’t about to complain about that.

“I bought a sexy little Valentine’s nightie for tonight,” I whispered beside his ear.

Keeping his hands on my ass, he stood up, and I immediately wrapped my legs around him to keep us balanced.

“Later,” he said in a graveled voice. “Anything you put on right now will come back off before I can even get a good look at it. You don’t have to seduce me, Harlow. It doesn’t matter what you’re wearing or whether or not you decided to fuss with your hair or put makeup on. You always look like the most beautiful, sexiest woman on the planet to me.”

I put my head on his shoulder and tangled a hand into his hair as he strode toward our bedroom.

When Jax said things like that, my heart felt like it was going to explode. I knew what he was really saying was that it was always going to be okay to just be…me. He’d love me where I was, how I was, no questions asked.

“I feel the same way,” I murmured.

God knew I’d take this man any way I could get him.

I let out an amused squeak as he tossed me on the bed, and came down on top of me.

I sighed as he buried his hands in my hair and grumbled, “Christ! I love you, Harlow.”

As I fell into his exquisite, green-eyed gaze, I said the words back to him, knowing neither one of us could ever hear those words enough.

“Kiss me,” I whispered, craving him just like I knew I always would.

When he did, everything was right in my world.

I felt…alive.

I felt…wanted.

I felt…free.

I felt…loved.

I had lost myself for a while, but Jax Montgomery had found me, and he’d shown me exactly what it was like to truly love, and to be loved.

I’d gotten a second chance when I’d walked out of that rebel camp alive.

Somehow, I’d also been lucky enough to find real happiness after absolute despair.

Because I’d experienced both of those extremes, I was absolutely certain that I’d never stop appreciating exactly what I had right now for the rest of my life.

~The End~

Billionaire Unnoticed ~ Cooper coming December 14, 2021


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Keep reading for a preview of Billionaire Unwed ~ Zeke


Seven Years Ago…

“I love you.”

The words had just…fallen out of my mouth. I hadn’t stopped to think about them, nor was I worried about how my best friend, Zeke Conner, would interpret the statement.

In my more-than-slightly-inebriated state, I just didn’t care about what might happen tomorrow. Or the next day. I was in some kind of lovely live-in-the-moment reality, and the only thing that seemed to matter was finally letting Zeke Conner know exactly how I felt.

I had no idea why it was suddenly of the utmost importance that Zeke be informed that he was not only my best friend, but the subject of every single erotic fantasy and wet dream I’d ever experienced over the last Copyright 2016 - 2024