Billionaire Unexpected~Jax -J. S. Scott Page 0,80

The uniform hue was extremely rare, and almost made her eyes appear to glow.

She let out a sigh as she went back to organizing some equipment on her desk. “I don’t know why you’d assume I was here for nefarious purposes. The security in this building is nearly unbreachable, which is why I knew you weren’t here unauthorized. I heard the door downstairs, and I knew no one could possibly get through that iron fortress without the right fingerprint. My name is Victoria. Marshall just gave me building access earlier today. I couldn’t sleep, so I thought I’d come set up the office he gave me.”

“There was no vehicle in the parking lot,” I said cautiously.

She shrugged. “I parked out front.”

“You’re really a member of Last Hope?” I put my Glock away as I stared at her in surprise. “How in the hell is that possible?”

She sent me a withering glare as she answered, “I’m not sure why you’d be surprised. I’m not the first female volunteer. I do contract work with the FBI as a linguist. When I started to investigate whether the things I’d heard about Last Hope were real or just rumor, I eventually found Marshall. By that time, I already knew the rumors were true. I offered my services, and he accepted.”

I couldn’t say that it wouldn’t be helpful to have a language analyzer and translator available on occasion. However, we did rescues in a lot of different countries. “What language?” I asked.

She sounded as American as I did, so it was hard to judge.

“You mean what languages?” Her question was actually a correction. “I speak and write seven different languages fluently, and there are several others that I comprehend well enough to translate verbally. I know the language in every country Last Hope has been to so far, so I think I can be of some help to this organization in the future.”

She blinked, and fixed her gaze on me.

There wasn’t a single indication that she was bragging or gloating.

In fact, she’d sounded like she was just throwing that information out there to let me know she belonged in this office.

“You even speak Lanian?” I questioned.

Victoria started to rattle off statement after statement in a language I didn’t comprehend, but I had to assume it was Lanian.

I held up a hand with a smirk. “Okay. Okay. I got it. So, you’re a language expert. I wasn’t doubting you. I was just…asking.”

I was also impressed and fascinated by someone who could communicate in so many different languages since it wasn’t a skill I had myself.

Not only was this woman strikingly pretty, but obviously highly intelligent as well.

Maybe it was the combination of the two that made Victoria so…compelling.

I couldn’t remember the last time my dick had gotten hard just from listening to a woman speak a foreign language.

Probably because it had never happened before.

I’m sure it’s just because I haven’t gotten laid for over a year.

Nope. I kind of doubted that was the case. I’d seen plenty of attractive females since I’d sworn off dating altogether, and I hadn’t had a single problem controlling my dick.

Victoria shrugged. “Learning different languages has always come naturally to me. I was that teenager who always wanted to be a cheerleader, but ended up as the president of the honor society who graduated from high school two years early instead. Pretty much the same thing happened in college, too.”

So, she was obviously beyond simply intelligent. I leaned against the doorjamb as I told her, “I get that. I skipped quite a few grades myself. I had a college degree by the time I turned eighteen.”

Now why in hell did I need to share that?

She turned her head and smiled at me for the first time.

And…my dick just got even harder.

Against my better judgment, I started to wonder if Victoria might be interested in a fling. It didn’t have to be a relationship, right?

“I probably could have skipped more,” she explained. “But my parents were worried that I wouldn’t have a normal childhood and adolescence if I got too far ahead of other kids my age. That must have been really hard for you to advance so fast. I always felt like an oddball because I was a little younger than my classmates.”

“I went to private school,” I told her uncomfortably.

“I know,” she said as she started to put away some supplies from a small box on her desk. “Judging by your hair color, I’m assuming you’re Cooper Montgomery. My brothers Copyright 2016 - 2024