Billionaire Unexpected~Jax -J. S. Scott Page 0,75

little bastards when we were kids, too. Why would she pick one of those pricks over you?”

Honestly, I thought Coop had made a lucky escape. Fiona had been one of those women who wanted nothing more in life than to marry a rich man. She wasn’t one of the so-called social elite, but hung out with as many from that circle as possible so she could marry one.

For me, Coop and Fiona had never fit, and I’d never figured out what they talked about when they were together. I’d spoken to Fiona just enough to know that she had zero knowledge on any of Coop’s interests. From what I gathered, she used what brains she did have to memorize the names of the richest families in the area.

Still, Cooper had obviously cared about her.

“Hey,” I said to Cooper. “I’m sorry, man.”

“Me, too,” Hudson seconded.

“Nothing to be sorry about,” he said tightly. “She wasn’t the first woman who decided I wasn’t capable of romance, and that I was incredibly boring and uninspired. I’ve decided that I’m much happier without a relationship in my life.”

I didn’t want to point out that he didn’t sound very damn happy, and he acted like a guy who hadn’t gotten laid for over a year. Most likely, he hadn’t.

Cooper continued, “I’m glad that committed relationships work for both of you, but I’d prefer to hang onto my sanity and my dignity from now on.”

“She never was good enough for you, Coop,” I told him. “Don’t let a woman like Fiona make you cynical and bitter.”

“It wasn’t just her,” he explained tersely. “In case you haven’t noticed, I’m not exactly a charming guy. I’m pragmatic and logical, and those qualities appear to be assets that most women don’t want in a man. I’m not emotional, and I don’t lose my mind over any female. It’s ridiculous to put emotion over logic.”

Spoken like a man who has never found a woman who makes his wisdom and judgment fly out of his brain like he never had any in the first place!

Cooper was a guy who never did anything without carefully calculating the risks and benefits. He was so damn intelligent that the process was automatic for him.

I could see how some women might perceive that as being cold, calculating, or unromantic.

What my younger brother needed was a woman intelligent enough to understand how his mind worked. Once she did, it wouldn’t be difficult for her to see that underneath all of Cooper’s rationality was a guy with a huge heart.

“You’ll find the right woman,” Hudson told Cooper.

“That would be impossible since I’m not looking,” Cooper answered cantankerously.

Hudson chuckled. “That’s usually when it happens.”

“Everything okay out here?” Taylor asked from the entry to the patio.

I watched as Hudson’s eyes lit up at the sight of his fiancée. “Hi, sweetheart, I take it the baby shower is over?”

She nodded. “It is. I don’t want to interrupt. I just wanted to let you know I was home.”

Taylor walked to Hudson’s chair and gave him a brief kiss.

Unwilling to settle for the quick embrace, Hudson snaked his arm around Taylor’s waist and pulled her onto his lap as he asked, “Did you have a good time?”

“I did,” she answered as she looked at him adoringly. “It’s nice to be able to spend time with Harlow in person again. I missed her.”

I frowned. “Where is she?”

Taylor turned her gaze to me. “She said she was going home. I invited her to come by tonight because I knew you and Cooper were here, but she said she had something she needed to do.”

It’s Friday night. What does she have to do that couldn’t be done over the weekend?

I got up from my chair. “I think I’ll just pass by her place and see if she needs any help. Did everything seem okay with her?” I asked Taylor.

I hadn’t seen Harlow since Wednesday, when I’d finally agreed to let her take me out for dinner. The experience had been both heartwarmingly sweet and slightly uncomfortable, but Harlow had seemed to enjoy splurging.

Hell, that had been two nights ago. I’d been looking forward to seeing her tonight.

If she wasn’t coming to me, I’d go to her and help her with…whatever it was she had to do.

Taylor smiled. “She was fine. Harlow looks happier and healthier than I’ve ever seen her.”

Okay, so she’d cheerfully decided that she didn’t want to see me tonight.

It was comforting to know that Harlow hadn’t decided to go straight home because something Copyright 2016 - 2024