Billionaire Unexpected~Jax -J. S. Scott Page 0,44

things their way. Unfortunately, those childhood insecurities have a way of creeping back into the psyche sometimes. Lord knows we never heard a kind word or praise growing up. So we can all be hypercritical of ourselves sometimes. I’m not sure that instinct ever completely goes away.”

I shook my head. “I had no idea how bad it was, and I’m sure they blame themselves for what happened to you, even though they shouldn’t.”

“Of course they do,” Riley confirmed. “They’re my big brothers. They think they should have been able to keep me away from anybody and anything that would hurt me. I’m not sure any of them realize that they aren’t superhuman.”

“Their protective instinct is definitely in overdrive most of the time,” Taylor added.

Riley chuckled. “While I can’t vouch for that from a romantic point of view, the three of them can be overbearingly protective of me as their little sister.”

I smiled. “I’ve heard that. I think Jax said that all of them threatened to cut Seth’s balls off if he hurt you.”

“Oh, they did,” Riley said in an amused tone. “Luckily, my husband doesn’t back down easily, and he’s just as protective as my brothers are, so they understood each other.”

“Does all of that protectiveness drive you crazy?” I asked curiously.

“No,” Riley and Taylor answered in unison.

My smile widened. “I guess the cavemen win.”

Taylor smiled back at me. “I don’t think it bothers either one of us because Riley and I both know how to stand up for ourselves when Hudson or Seth are being completely unreasonable. When they aren’t, it’s kind of nice to know they’re making our wellbeing their priority. It’s kind of hard not to find it endearing when they get all grumpy on our behalf. It’s actually kind of hot.” She paused before she added, “Sorry, Riley—that’s probably TMI since Hudson is your brother.”

“It’s not like I don’t know that my brothers are handsome beasts,” she said lightly. “Just try not to get too nauseating.”

I listened to Riley and Taylor banter back and forth for a few minutes while I tried to process the information Riley had given me.

Knowing Jax’s background, it was easy to put the puzzle pieces together now.

Underneath that smart-ass exterior of his, he wanted the same thing everybody else craved.





And all of the other things he’d never gotten as a child.

Yeah, he was a confident guy, and for the most part, he had his shit together.

However, I had a feeling all the serial, one-off dating he’d done really was a search for something or someone.

I found it heartbreaking that, after all this time, Jax Montgomery had never found someone who could see into his heart instead of just his very large wallet.

“I vote for jewel tone or black dresses. What do you think, Harlow?” Riley asked.

I snapped out of my musings when I heard my name. “I’m sorry. I think I missed what you said,” I confessed.

“I was just telling Taylor I’d have to hurt her if she makes me wear some pink, puffy marshmallow dress. Since I’m a redhead, and you’re a blonde, I think black or jewel colors would work for both of us. Most pastels clash with my hair.”

I smiled. “I think either would be great. Maybe black because it keeps things classy, and most of the attention on the bride where it belongs.”

“I doubt I’ll end up in bright white,” Taylor said. “Since I’m a redhead, too, I think traditional white might wash me out. I might go more ivory.”

“I think you should try on a bunch of different shades,” Riley suggested.

“I think so, too,” I added. “It’s hard to tell what will work until you see it on.”

“We have plenty of time,” Taylor said. “I’m not all that fond of clothes shopping, but I’ll do it when I have to. I guess I can’t order a bridal dress online.”

“Absolutely not,” Riley affirmed. “We’ll make a day of it. We’ll find a date that works for all of us, and Harlow and I will find a way to make it less painful. Maybe a nice brunch somewhere would help.”

The living room was silent for a moment as Riley and Taylor both drank a little of their wine.

“Thank you for sharing what happened to you, Riley,” I said, breaking the silence. “Knowing how Jax grew up helps me make sense out of some of the things he says sometimes.”

Riley swallowed before she answered, “Don’t even let that nonchalant, sarcastic, jokester attitude fool you. Jax has a heart of Copyright 2016 - 2024