Billionaire Unexpected~Jax -J. S. Scott Page 0,42

he came back, the only females he mingled with were clubbers or women from our old social circle. Normally, he never would have dated someone who worked for him. He always said since he was the boss, he didn’t feel comfortable doing that. He must have really liked you to make an exception, but I completely understand why you refused.”

I could feel my face turning warm, and I knew I was blushing. “It all worked out,” I said in a rush, wanting to change the topic. “I’m grateful for everything he’s done for me.”

“Except for the settlement offer,” Taylor said with a laugh. “I know you had the same reaction I did about that.”

I rolled my eyes. “It was absolutely ridiculous to think Montgomery needed to fill up my bank account for something that wasn’t even their fault. They negotiated my ransom, paid it, and got me out of there alive. After I got back, they took care of everything, including every single bill I incurred because of the incident.”

“Usually, money fixes everything for my brothers,” Riley mused. “Most people would have scooped up that offer in a heartbeat, even if Montgomery wasn’t really at fault.”

“They did nothing wrong. It was a routine expedition in a country known to be safe for visitors. The odds of something like a kidnapping taking place are astronomical.” I smiled. “Jax was pretty persistent about it, and so was the legal department, probably because he asked them to hound me.”

Riley snorted. “None of my brothers give up easily. Unfortunately, they’re very used to getting their way. It was good for them to finally have you and Taylor tell them no.”

“After I turned down a date with Jax, and considering my refusal to take his money, I’m surprised he showed up on my doorstep, but I’m glad he did,” I told them. “I think I needed an objective friend who wasn’t struggling with the same issues I was at the time.”

“Have you been to his place in Coronado?” Riley asked.

I hesitated, but since I’d already slipped up by telling them about what happened two years ago, I didn’t think admitting I’d been to his house was a big deal.

I nodded. “Yes. It’s an incredible home. I love it there. It can be touristy, but the off-season is really nice. I’m glad you reminded me of Coronado. I’ve been using your bike. I hope you don’t mind.”

“Of course I don’t,” Riley assured me. “And it wasn’t really mine. Jax bought it for me to use when I was there. I got myself a similar one to use here. They ride like a dream. I really miss getting there more often. And just FYI…I don’t think Jax has ever taken a woman to his place.”

“I’m not one of his women,” I rushed to explain. “I’m just his friend.”

Riley crossed her arms over her chest. “Really? Jax looks at you like he’s starving, and you’re the first item on his dinner menu. Come on, Harlow. I know my brothers, and I’ve already seen that look on Hudson’s face when he looks at Taylor.”

“I noticed it, too,” Taylor added. “I didn’t know you guys had hooked up, but it’s perfectly obvious that he’s attracted to you.”

I shook my head. “Maybe he was two years ago, but he’s never done a single thing since we’ve been friends to make me think that the attraction is still there. Honestly, he’s just been an amazing support system for me, and keeping his dog Molly with me has really helped.”

“He actually gave Molly to you?” Riley asked in a shocked voice.

“Not forever,” I assured her. “She’s just on loan for a while.”

“Jax adores Tango and Molly. He rarely lets them out of his sight. He doesn’t loan his dogs,” Riley said. “Now I’m convinced he’s got it bad for you.”

“He told me he loans Molly out sometimes,” I argued.

“He lied,” Riley shot back. “But in his defense, he probably did it so you’d feel more comfortable. Parting with one of his dogs, even for a short time, would kill Jax. He’d never trust someone else to make sure Molly was well taken care of and safe. She was a shelter dog, and she was abused as a puppy. Not that anybody would know that because she’s so loving now, but Jax wouldn’t take the chance of that ever happening again. That’s why he kept her. He loaned her to you because he trusts you.”

“He never told me,” I muttered.

“Don’t be mad,” Riley pleaded.

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