Billionaire Undercover - J. S. Scott Page 0,83

the three little words I didn’t think he was ready to hear. Hudson hadn’t even hinted at those emotions, and he wasn’t used to anybody loving him except for family.

If I tell him this too soon, it could destroy our relationship before it has even had time to grow.

Hudson stroked a soothing hand up and down my back. “No offense, sweetheart, but you don’t seem very happy.”

I huffed against his shoulder. “I am. You’re just not seeing it.”

I stepped back and swiped at my wet cheeks as I said. “You just did the most incredible thing anyone has ever done for me, Hudson Montgomery.”

I reached out and started to unbutton his shirt. If I couldn’t tell him how I felt, I could show him.

Once the shirt was on the ground, I reached for his belt, and worked on his pants until they went south to his ankles.

“Can I ask what in the hell you’re doing now?” Hudson asked hoarsely as he stepped out of the pants.

I pulled my shirt over my head, tossed it, and then shimmied out of my jeans and panties. When I was completely nude, I replied, “Getting us both naked. I need you, Hudson.”

I pulled his head down so I could get what I really wanted right now, and started to kiss him.


I kissed the naked, beautiful woman in my arms like a man possessed.

Which I basically…was.

I was hungry for Taylor every damn minute of the day.

I groaned against her lips as her heated, silken skin slid against mine.

Taylor made me completely insane. Having her in my bed every night for the last few weeks hadn’t lessened my obsession with her. If anything, it had gotten more intense.

Now, I didn’t just want Taylor’s body. I wanted every single damn part of her.

Yeah, I even wanted her tears if she really needed to cry, although I’d much rather take preventative measures and make sure she was always happy. It nearly killed me to see her cry.

I finally tore my mouth from hers, and held her head to my shoulder, my heart racing so fast that I couldn’t catch my damn breath.

Because that’s what Taylor did to me.

Every damn time she did something sweet for me like she had tonight, like she did every single day, I felt like the luckiest bastard in the world to have her in my life.

My problem? I got more and more desperate to make damn sure she stayed.

Dammit! I knew she cared, but I needed…more.

I had to know she was fucking mine, and always would be.

Was that completely fucked up?

Yes, it probably was because I should just be enjoying every single minute I spent with this woman instead of wanting…something more.

Okay. Yeah. I could admit it. I was terrified I was going to do something that would fuck up the best thing I’d ever had.

So I really, really needed to know what was wrong with her.

“Tell me what just happened, Taylor,” I said, trying to keep my voice calm.

I’d given her a repaired pendant, and she’d fallen apart.

I had to know…why.

Why she’d gotten angry.

Why she’d cried.

If she really loved the restored pendant, none of it made any sense.

Taylor wasn’t the type of female who was mercurial. Her moods didn’t swing like that. She didn’t go from happy to angry, and then burst into tears all within a ten-minute timeframe.

Something was eating her up, and I wanted to know exactly what it was so I could get rid of whatever was making her unhappy.

Correction: I wanted to get rid of it as long as it wasn’t…me.

This last few weeks of having her in my bed every night, seeing her beautiful, smiling face every evening when I got home, her touching me whenever she damn well wanted to do it, and me doing the same, had made me happier than I’d ever been in my entire life.

I’d been dead wrong when I’d said that Taylor wasn’t my friend. What I guess I should have said back then was that I couldn’t be just her friend.

Dammit! I had every damn thing I’d ever wanted with Taylor, and I wasn’t going to lose her. Ever.

I finally truly understood what Seth had been trying to say at the picnic.

I’d be a sorry bastard, too, if I didn’t have Taylor in my life.

I needed her, and I wasn’t ashamed to admit that to myself.

“Just fuck me, Hudson. Please. I need you,” she said in a sultry, sexy voice.

Holy fuck! I wanted to give her anything she needed, and Copyright 2016 - 2024