Billionaire Undercover - J. S. Scott Page 0,80

the courtship part of the relationship, which in his mind, should have happened first, minus the whole kidnapping thing, too.”

“What do you think?” she asked.

I shrugged. “I think if you start with the really hard stuff, you know you’re relationship is pretty solid. I’m glad we were friends first, although he did say we could never be friends because he was attracted to me. But he’s wrong. We are friends. He just doesn’t see that. Hudson has been there during some of the toughest days of my life.”

“I’m glad you love him, and I personally think he’d be over the moon to hear you say you’re in love with him,” Riley said softly as she took the dress from me and added it to the growing pile of ‘yes’ clothes on a nearby chair. “He needs someone like you, Taylor. He needs and deserves some happiness in his life.”

“I know. I’m glad he’s taking some time off,” I replied. “Really, I just want to see him kick back a little. He spends so much time working or taking care of other people, and he put in a lot of hours just watching over me. I want to take care of him for a while.”

Riley piled some of the clothing into my arms, and then picked up the rest. As we walked toward the check-out, she said, “According to him, you cook for him every day, handle the household chores, and bake some delicious desserts. He told me he was getting spoiled.”

“It’s nothing really,” I argued. “Not compared to all the things he’s done for me, Riley.”

We both loaded our clothes onto the counter and the woman at the checkout smiled at us as she started ringing everything up and neatly folding the items.

“It means something to him, Taylor,” she said in an earnest tone. “Sometimes, what might seem small to you is big to someone else. He’s never had someone do those things for him. He’s filthy rich. Women expect expensive restaurants, lavish parties, and very exclusive clubs when they date him. I’m pretty sure not a single one of them could even boil water on their own, and I doubt they’d put any time into something that would make him happy.”

I frowned. “That’s sad.”

She nodded. “That’s kind of the way his entire life has gone. People expect a lot from Hudson, but they don’t think he needs anything because he’s so wealthy and seems so self-contained. That’s why I’m glad he’s hooking up with somebody who’s real, and can see through all his bullshit.”

“I do see him,” I assured her. “I think I always have.”

I could hardly tell her that Hudson and Jax had saved my life, and that Hudson had been there when I needed a shoulder to cry on, or even if I needed to pee.

“I know you see him,” she said as she handed Hudson’s card to the cashier. “Where to next?”

“I think I saw one of Hudson’s favorite candy stores on the way in. I think we should stop there, and I’m paying for that pack of gum,” I joked. “So keep that black card in your purse until you have a chance to give it back to Hudson.”

We both grabbed one of the large bags. “You do know why he gave me that card instead of giving it to you, right?”

“Because you’re his sister?” I guessed.

“Nope. He did it because he knows I have absolutely no problem spending his money for him,” she said with a smirk. “He was probably afraid you’d use it much too sparsely.”

“I probably would have,” I muttered.

“And he knew that. He’ll be glad you got everything you need, and you look absolutely gorgeous. Probably the only thing that would delight him even more is if you drove a new car home.”

“Absolutely not. My Toyota might be old, but it runs just fine. Mac bought me that vehicle when he thought I was going away to college right after high school. That vehicle and I have been through a lot together. I’ll replace it myself when I have to.” I’d told Riley almost everything about my childhood, and my history with Mac.

“Okay, we’ll skip the car lot,” Riley replied jokingly.

“I’d appreciate that,” I answered wryly.

“So we’ll do the candy place, and then, if you don’t mind, I’d really like to grab an iced-coffee,” Riley said longingly.

“I’d absolutely be up for that,” I said enthusiastically.

Actually, since I wasn’t as enthusiastic about shopping as Riley was, it sounded perfect.


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