Billionaire Doctor (House of Kolovsky) - Carol Marinelli Page 0,27

popped into her mind as this gorgeous man pushed her down on the bed. She was tempted to stand up and declare that she really wasn’t that good, that she really didn’t merit such attention as his mouth worked his way up her thighs, kissing and nibbling her soft flesh through silk stockings, that she really wasn’t that deserving...

‘You taste fantastic...’ Even though she had her knickers on it didn’t stop him. He pulled them to one side, his tongue doing wicked things, dotting the i in the most decadent of ways, pushing, tearing, discarding fifteen hundred dollars’ worth of mocha silk dress and then dispensing with her knickers and bra. He was so into her, so consuming, so blatant with his adoration, so feverishly good it was impossible not to feel amazing.

It was impossible not to feel the most wanton sexual being, when the most wanton, sexual being of them all thought that you were. ‘Oh, Annie... ’ Over and over he said it as he tasted her, over and over he said it as his mouth worked its way upwards, kissing her stomach, her breasts, her neck, her lips as she writhed beneath him. ‘I have wanted you so much...’


It was her last coherent thought as he sucked on her shoulder, her last grasp at reality as he skilfully sheathed his delicious thick length, then plunged inside her, and for Annie it should have been over, tightening muscles dragging him in, her mind whirring as she screamed his name. But Iosef was as good as his word, Iosef still doing the making, kissing her, teasing her, as he bucked deep inside, taking her to the heights then starting the ride all over again.

Chapter 7

‘Levander’s the one who just got married?’

They were lying in the rumpled bed—dawn still a little way off—warm and relaxed and thoroughly exhausted. Never had Annie felt more wonderful, lying unabashed and utterly adored in his arms, giggling as they spoke in intimate whispers.

‘He lives in the UK now—Aleksi is back here in Australia.’

‘Your twin?’ Annie checked. ‘Does he look like you?’

‘Of course.’ Iosef smiled. ‘I told you—we’re identical. Though our personalities are different.’

‘In what way?’

‘He can be a bit arrogant, moody...’ His lips curved into a smile as she raised her eyebrows. ‘I am nothing like that!’ Iosef said indignantly. ‘Aleksi is very driven, focused...’ Giving in as her brows rose higher, he gave a low laugh. ‘Maybe we are similar after all.’

‘Gee!’ Annie blew her fringe skywards as she considered the impossible. ‘Do you think I’d be able to tell the....’ Her voice trailed off as she decided that her question was rather unsuitable, but Iosef just laughed.

He was toying with her nipple. Tender and raw from earlier attention, he was drawing it out to an indecent length.

‘To you he would look different...’ Staring up at her from between her breasts, he registered her frown. ‘If you had a twin, it would be the same for me.’

‘How?’ It should have been an easy question, but it gasped out of her lips as his fingers crept to the warmth between her legs, incessant fingers back on her swollen flesh which was sore and tender from his attention. ‘Have I hurt you?’



Her mind wrestled for an answer. The tenderness was a small price to pay for the sensations she had experienced, so she diverted him with a question of her own. ‘How would you know it wasn’t me?’

‘Because I’ve tasted you, smelt you, felt you in ways only you and I know...’ He was rolling onto his back now, leaving her needy, twitching with the desire he so easily evoked. The sheet slipped down to reveal his morning glory and if she was tender, still she was wanting, any soreness fading in the wake of her growing desire.

She ran her fingers along his length and he shuddered at her touch, the palm of her hand catching his full arousal, stroking his velvet skin, her throat catching as he gasped. ‘Patsihonku.’


‘I said to go more slowly.’


It was perhaps the most provocative of questions, but that was how he made her feel—daring, sexy. But as she slipped over him, her thighs astride his, suddenly she wasn’t so sure. Naked, exposed over him, it was easy to chide herself... easy to reproach the woman he had made her. But as his hands held her hips, as he steadied her as he nudged at her entrance, it was harder to resist the way he made her feel.

Amazing, wanted, desired.

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