The Billionaire Athlete’s Christmas Fling - Leslie North Page 0,45

had Chase been practically running out of the lobby while security was bringing her in? She was due for a lesson, and Tana worried no one would tell them she couldn’t make it. “Can one of you at least let me know why you’re bringing me in like this?”

“Mr. Elkin requested to see you right away,” said one of the security guards, his face going red. “He’s right in here.” They ushered her through the doors of Jonas’s office, and Tana realized it wasn’t just him—another man was there, professionally dressed in a suit and tie.

Tana’s heart sank. This looked like a firing meeting. The security staff had been her first clue, but she hadn’t wanted to believe it. She stepped through the door in a numb haze. Why hadn’t Chase stayed here for whatever this was? Someone must have found out about the two of them, and she was being fired.

“Tana.” Jonas nodded at the security guards, and they stepped back, leaving her to face off with him and some stranger. “Have a seat.” He gestured to the chair in front of his desk.

“I’d rather stand.” If she sat down, her muscles would cramp and tighten from stress. “What’s going on?”

“We’ve had an accusation from one of the guests here at the lodge.” Jonas’s eyes met hers, but he looked stiff, uncomfortable. No wonder. This was the most uncomfortable she’d been since the day the police had come to her apartment and arrested her years ago. “Against you.”

“For what?” An accusation could mean anything. Jonas had reassured her regarding the disgruntled guest, so this had to be about Chase. Whatever it was, it had gone to the level of Jonas and security—which didn’t bode well for her. “I’ve been giving lessons all morning. I haven’t done anything wrong.”

“Stealing.” Jonas said simply. “A tennis bracelet has gone missing, and our guest came to us with concerns that you were responsible.”

Tana sucked in a deep breath and swallowed back the urge to be sick. This was so much worse than she’d thought. She felt as if the floor had suddenly opened and was trying to swallow her whole. “I didn’t steal anything.” Her voice sounded thick with tears and she hated it.

“You’re officially on a temporary unpaid leave effective immediately. It’s come to our attention you have a history tied to some other robbery charges, which forces our hand to move in this direction while we have the charge investigated.” Jonas dealt the blow without flinching, his steely gaze never leaving her.

Chase hadn’t been brave enough to face this with her. A secondary wave of humiliation hit. He’d known. He’d known this was going to happen and he hadn’t wanted to be there.

“Mr. Elkin, I didn’t steal anything.” Neither one of the men relented, their faces stoic and unyielding. They didn’t believe her. Tana had never felt so alone in her life.

“I want to assure you,” Jonas said, “that you absolutely won’t lose the cottage or your health benefits while things are being investigated. That will only happen if the charges are proven, and we terminate your position.”

“Do what you have to do,” Tana said, biting back everything she wanted to scream. She turned and started for the door. She wanted to break into a run. Anger pulsed along her nerves, lighting them up, and her hands clenched into fists. She dimly heard Jonas call after her, but her pulse pounded in her ears. What did it matter if they had an investigation? She was going to lose it all anyway. That’s how these rich clientele places worked. Reputation over everything. One accusation could ruin Tana’s life. Again.

“Tana, wait.” Chase’s voice echoed from behind her as she entered the lobby. “Please.”

She rounded on him, unsure of what to say.

“Are you all right? Tell me what happened,” he persisted.

Tears slipped from the corners of her eyes. “Do you know already?”

“I know we had a disgruntled client. He came into the office when I was with Jonas, and he brought a newspaper article. He said you stole a bracelet, and then that article—Tana, I don’t believe it. Why didn’t you say something before?”

“Because it was my ex,” she burst out. “He had a part-time job at a store that sold electronics and he’d been accused of stealing. I had no idea. They arrested me as an accomplice.” It had been so mortifying, the anger and embarrassment more than she could bear. Just like now. The tears of rage had dried on her cheeks, Copyright 2016 - 2024