The Billionaire Athlete’s Christmas Fling - Leslie North Page 0,34

boyfriend,” she said flatly. Focus on the mascara. Don’t stick it in your eye. “We’re work friends, honey.”

Lindsey pouted and pointed the brush at Tana. “You like him, though. Right?”

“I do. As a friend. Nothing more.”

Lindsey had too much cake, too much soda, and too much fun with her friends. Her face crumpled, and she got off the stepstool in front of the sink, stalking out of the room. “I want to go to Grandma’s,” she yelled back. “I want to go now.”

Tana put her mascara away, her own heart aching. It had only been a few days ago that Lindsey had taken her first steps. Hadn’t it? She’d gone from a chubby baby to a top-speed toddler to an almost-seven-year-old in no time at all. And Tana hadn’t learned anything, apparently. Her first mistake was bringing the gift from Chase to the party. It was sure to raise questions.

Her second mistake was hurting her daughter’s feelings. She’d been dishonest with her, and that didn’t feel good...but being honest didn’t feel right, either.

Suddenly, Tana didn’t feel like going to the cocktail party. She felt like cuddling up with Lindsey on the couch and watching Frozen. They could try to stop time for a little bit.

“Mom, we have to go,” Lindsey whined.

Tana was pushing her luck. She went into the living room where Lindsey stood with her rolling suitcase, a picture of Elsa and Anna from Frozen on the front.

“Hey.” She knelt in front of her daughter and pulled her in for a hug. “I’m sorry I was short with you.” I wish Chase was your dad, too. “I shouldn’t have been. Did you have a good birthday?”

“Yeah.” Lindsey rested her head on Tana’s shoulder. “But I really want to go to Grandma and Grandpa’s.” She yawned. “I’m tired.”

“Then let’s go meet them. Okay? Couple more car rides, then you can go to bed.”

Tana drove Lindsey back downtown to the pizza place. The timing couldn’t be more perfect—her parents were coming out the front door as they pulled up to the curb. She got Lindsey’s suitcase out of the car and loaded it into the back of her parents’ Honda.

“Grandma! Grandpa!” Lindsey ran to them with a squeal, even though she’d just seen them at her party. It warmed Tana’s heart. They were going to have a great weekend. Lindsey wheeled around on the sidewalk and came back for one more hug. “I’ll see you on Sunday, Mom. Don’t be too lonely without me. I’ll call you, okay?”

“Okay.” She breathed in the scent of her daughter’s shampoo and hugged her tight. Whatever came next, they’d get through it together. That was the one thing Tana could count on in life. “I love you, Linds.”

“I love you too, Mom.”

Her parents came up and took Lindsey by the hand. “Time to get going, birthday girl,” her dad said. “It’s a bit of a drive. But we can listen to Frozen on the way there, if you want.”

“I do, I do!”

Lindsey dragged her grandparents toward the car, and Tana was left waving on the sidewalk in her little black dress. Tana’s mother leaned out of the car and gave her one last wave, a broad smile on her face. “You have fun too, my darling. Love the dress.”

“I will. Tomorrow maybe I’ll take a nap after my lessons, get some reading in…” Why? Why was she saying this? What she really wanted to do was spend all weekend in bed with Chase. “Have a good time. Call me if you need anything.”

“We won’t need anything,” sang Tana’s mom. “Now get out of here. Have the time of your life.”


Chase glanced around the room, noting all the smiling faces. The employee happy hour—really, a cocktail party hosted by his grandmother—was a big event for the staff at the Lodge. She’d been hosting them for decades, and they’d settled into a familiar pattern. They always started with a staff meeting but then ended with free food and drinks. Employees loved it.

They especially loved the cocktail hours hosted at Christmas, and this one—so close to the holiday—was one of the best. A tall Christmas tree took up most of the space in one corner, soaring toward the ceiling with a rainbow of glass globes decorating the branches. A champagne fountain and a chocolate fountain graced the center of the room. Chandeliers glittered overhead, bathing everything in a warm light that probably made most people think of glamorous fireside Christmases.

It just wasn’t Chase’s favorite. For one thing, he Copyright 2016 - 2024