The Billionaire Athlete’s Christmas Fling - Leslie North Page 0,27

behind his desk in the office. He’d renovated the place a few years back to be a modern oasis in the middle of the Elkin alpine-themed ski resort. He’d carried the theme straight through to Christmas—meaning that there were zero Christmas decorations in the office. No tinsel. No nutcrackers. Not even a miniature tree at the corner of his desk.

Maybe Jonas had his own issues with the holiday, but now wasn’t the time to ask him about it. After the red and gold and silver riot of the rest of the resort, Chase’s eyes didn’t mind the break. It just seemed a little empty, compared to the lobby with its towering tree and the needlessly decorated bower at the edge of the parking lot.

Jonas had been working on something, pen hovering over a stack of papers in the middle of his desk while he peered at his computer. He blinked, squinted up at Chase, and flicked off his screen. “You’re up early.” Jonas frowned. “Plenty of time to shave if you cared to do so.”

Chase ignored the comment. The guests wanted to talk to him no matter what state his facial hair was in, and more importantly, Tana hadn’t seemed to mind it last night. Chase had far more important things to worry about right now. Namely, the conversation he was about to have with Jonas.

“I’m good, thanks.” He crossed the room and sat down in an oversized chair in front of the desk, ignoring the ache in his knee from overdoing it the day before. Chase tossed a folder in front of Jonas. “I can’t help you with the hiring process anymore. Here are the best ten outside applicants.”

Jonas glowered at the manila folder like Chase had just dropped a sack of spoiled food onto his desk. He made no move to touch it. “What’s your excuse for not finishing the job this time?”

From the set of his brother’s shoulders, Chase could tell Jonas was stressed. They were all stressed. It was the holiday season, and his grandmother was ill. Guilt flared in Chase’s chest. Maybe he should have put the job first, but he hadn’t, and now there was no way to undo what had been done. Not that he wanted to.

“I can’t help with the hiring because I’m involved with someone who applied. I’m here to ask for your discretion.”

Jonas leaned back in his chair and slid both hands into his hair. “God, Chase. I shouldn’t have to warn you about putting your libido ahead of the family, but here we are.”

“There’s no need for you to warn me about anything,” Chase shot back. “I’ll probably leave soon after the holidays anyway, and you won’t have to think about me.”

His brother looked incredulous. “Really? That’s just like you. Show up and leave when someone asks you to pitch in.”

Chase took a deep breath and steadied himself by gazing deeply into the stark white walls of Jonas’s minimalist office. He wasn’t about to justify the ridiculous comment with an answer. “Do you want me to go through the candidates with you or not?”

“What’s the point?” Jonas made a dismissive gesture at the folder. “You probably chose these resumes at random. I’m going to have to start at the beginning.” Jonas was in rare form. This felt like old jealousies between the brothers. Jonas had always envied him. For some reason, he thought Chase was their grandmother’s favorite, although it was Jonas who would be taking over the resort.

“Fine by me.” The sooner he could get out of here, the better. “Good luck with that.”

“I saw you, you know.” Jonas’s voice stopped him halfway to the door. “Coaching that instructor’s little girl.” Jonas scowled at him, eyes narrowed. “And what makes me the most furious is that you’re a surprisingly great teacher.”

“Seriously? That’s the thing that’s going to turn you from kindly resort manager to behind-the-scenes jerk?”

Jonas sat up straight and pulled the folder across the desk to him. “You’re right, Chase. You should go. A candidate will be here to interview shortly, and someone needs to do this work so that our grandmother isn’t more stressed than she needs to be.”

Chase had no argument with that. And technically, he’d fulfilled his part of the bargain—he’d found the best candidates for Jonas to choose from. The only thing he wasn’t going to do was sit in on the final interviews. Besides, he wasn’t going to hang around after the holidays, so it made no sense for him to weigh Copyright 2016 - 2024