The Billionaire’s Second Chance by Kimberly Krey Page 0,23


The adoration on his face was a sight all its own. Viv glanced at the camera where it stood on a tripod, hoping Zee was getting video footage between shoots.

The sloth—with its squished little face, squinty eyes, and long, hairy arms—was cute. Very cute. But Duke’s adorable manner with the animal was stealing the show.

“That’s right,” Duke mumbled as the sloth moved from the assistant’s arms to his. A laugh echoed deep in his chest as he came face-to-face with the furry creature.

“Very good,” Zee guided. “Stay just like that…”

Viv was relieved that he’d been ready to catch the candid moment. An image of Duke’s genuine adoration of the small creature. Several moments and a hundred or more clicks later, and the specialist brought out a bird in next. Bright red body, rainbow colors at the wings, with a white face and beak.

“Is this a macaw?” Duke asked as the trainer neared him with the massive bird.

“Yes, a scarlet macaw. I’m going to place her on your shoulder,” she explained, doing that very thing with slow, gentle movements. “Then I’m going to take the sloth.”

The sloth, seeming to know it was the topic of conversation, cuddled into his chest.

“No no,” Zee blurted. “Don’t take the sloth just yet. Let’s get it with both animals first, and see if we can add the monkey next.”

Viv chuckled, enjoying the way Duke squirmed beneath the macaw’s curling claws at his shoulder.

“Easy, Polly,” he mumbled, making the crew laugh as well.

“This is gorgeous,” Rico cheered.

“I love it,” Darnell agreed.

“Perfect,” Zee praised, snapping several photos with both animals on the set. Duke gave him plenty to work with, shifting from a broad smile one moment, a piercing look of bravery the next, and that intimidating smolder that, when turned on her, made Viv’s heart skip three hard beats.

“Are we ready to switch out for the howler monkey?” the trainer asked Zee.

“Why switch out?” Duke said. “Let’s see if we can do them all. Bring on the monkey. And while you’re at it, send in the clowns too.”

More laughter spread over the crowd, Viv’s among them. Duke was good under pressure. He liked the confirmation from his peers. Seemed to up his game when he was getting a good response.

Was this the box he was referring to? The label of who and how he was? If so, it seemed fitting enough.

Perhaps it was hard for him to break free of his playful persona long enough to be taken seriously. At least, by some.

Zee gave the trainer a nod, and she was off again, back to her hidden place in the brush before coming back with a very small, very cute monkey. Viv couldn’t help but be charmed by it at first sight.

“Oh, it’s just a baby,” Darnell cried.

Duke’s grin grew impossibly wider. “It looks like it.” He looked to the specialist as she brought it close. “Is it? Is it just a baby?”

“Yes,” the specialist said. Suddenly, the macaw flapped its wings and squawked, causing the specialist to back away. “Maybe I should remove the bird first,” she said, looking from Zee to Duke.

Duke shook his head. “I think it’s okay. Just…let me see if I can distract her. I want to get the shot if we can.” Duke turned slightly toward the bird and rubbed his face over its body. “It’s okay, girl. It’s okay.”

He was brave, Viv would give him that. And determined. “Couldn’t that bird bite him?” she asked the specialist.

The girl gave Viv a reluctant nod. “She could, but so far she’s not exhibiting any warning signs. When she’s agitated her feathers will puff, her eyes will dilate, and she’ll open her beak a little.”

“Good to know,” Duke said. “Thanks for asking, Vivi. Now if I see her doing one of those things I can just flick her off, right?”

“No,” the specialist said with a laugh. “I’ll take her off your shoulder if that happens. Now hold still while I try coming in with the monkey. His name’s Jack.”

“Hey, Jack,” Duke said, propping the sloth higher up on his hip. Once the sloth was settled, Duke reached for the monkey. The macaw squawked again.

“How about I extend my arm, and Jack can sit on it like a branch. Or maybe he can hang from it, like with his tail. I see the monkeys here doing that all the time.”

“He might do that,” the trainer said, but she looked apprehensive even still.

“Listen,” Duke said. “If your macaw flies away or bites me in Copyright 2016 - 2024