Big Pickle: A Secret Boss Romantic Comedy - JJ Knight Page 0,72

us to realize how perfect we were for each other.”

“But he’s my boss.”

“And Dell owned my building.” She laughs. “We had a real mess of a situation.” She holds both of Grace’s hands as the little girl dives backward and grins at me upside-down.

“Our situation is pretty messy, too.”

“There’s obviously a lot of feelings between you two. Sometimes a problem can seem insurmountable, but then somebody gives just a little bit.”

Grace gurgles, spit bubbles forming between her lips. She finds them hilarious and lets loose with a hearty toddler laugh. I’m already smitten with her.

Audra walks up. “Ready, Nova?”

I tuck my notebook into my bag. “Yes. Nice meeting you, Arianna.” I touch Grace’s nose. “And you too, little monkey.”

Grace giggles.

I try to put Jace from my mind for the next hour. The lunch with the other managers is fun. We joke about the names of the breads, and generally complain about staff turnover, which seems like a constant battle. Despite my being new at my job, the others treat me as an equal. I’ve never felt so important or respected.

We take a tour of the Manhattan Pickle, and I’m amazed at the size and scale of this deli compared to ours.

Their sandwich line is easily three times the size of ours, and even in mid-afternoon, when we would be shutting our deli down, this one has a line to the door. A full twenty employees rapidly take orders, prepare sandwiches, and man three cash registers.

By the time I get to my room in the evening, I’ve decided to stay in. I want to be alone with my thoughts and recover from seeing Jason again. Had he really thought I would take up with his brother? Could everyone see what Arianna saw?

I change into sweats and a T-shirt and try to watch some television, but all I can think about are the images I saw of Jason on the Riviera, and his contorted, emotional face as he attacked his brother.

He’s no better now.

I’m not going to blame myself. He was the one who lied. Who hadn’t owned up to his lie. I’ve been careful and professional.

I think about texting him, but I don’t know what to say. I wonder if he’s staying here tonight, or if he refused again.

Not that I’d know which room is his.

Not that I’d go if I did.

Would I?

I allow myself a moment to remember his mouth on me, the dozens of scenes playing out in the pantry, the freezer, my office, his car, his condo.

This can’t be a throwaway love affair.

I feel too much.

It’s overwhelming.

I walk over to my door. Is he so close I could go out into the hall and scream his name?

And if he was, would he come to me?

What is he doing right now?

A piece of white on the floor catches my eye.

It’s a piece of paper.

The hotel stationary, like what we were using in the meeting.

It’s folded in half.

With shaking fingers, I lean down to pick it up.

Audra would have texted me. Or Max.

There’s only one person who might slip a note under my door.

My heart bangs painfully as I open the page.

There are only four words.

Can I come in?



I stand outside Nova’s door for what feels like ten years.

Maybe she’s not even in there. I know she’s not off with Audra or Max because they are downstairs in the bar with the family. I went down there for all of thirty seconds, planning to turn and leave when I bumped into Grammy Alma.

I gave her a big fake smile and a hug, trying to avoid crushing her plumped up gray hairdo that seemed half spun from air.

But she smacked my shoulder. “Don’t you fake it with me. Max told me all about you and your sweet manager.”

“Are you going to give me a lecture about fraternizing with my employees?”

“Of course not. She’s perfectly delightful. Kept us all entertained at dinner last night. The one you skipped.”

“It’s hard to be around her.” It felt good to admit that.

Her face softened, the hard lines of eighty years fading into her warm expression. “Well, I only have one thing to tell you.”

“What’s that, Grammy?”

She smiled the mischievous grin I’ve known all my life. “Room 2408.”

I stand here looking at the numbers now. Nova still hasn’t opened the door.

I wouldn’t open it either, not after the shitshow that was me and Max earlier today.

A shadow moves at the base of the door, visible in the narrow gap where I shoved the note. It’s her Copyright 2016 - 2024