Big Dick Energy - Cindi Madsen Page 0,57

frustration I felt bad for reasons I couldn’t fully explain. “This is exactly what I mean when I say I’m overlooked and dismissed because of my gender. I thought that at least when it came to you, things would be different.” Her voice faltered. “Especially after Saturday night.”

“I thought we were just seeing where the weekend took us. Just looking to have some fun—that’s what you said.”

It was the wrong thing to say. Even as it came out, it didn’t ring true after the amazing night it’d turned into. The fight had cranked my defenses to seek and destroy, and I’d seen the chink in the armor and struck.

The shimmer in her eyes confirmed it. I rushed to fix it, but we’d reached the first floor.

Penelope shot out of the elevator like a marathon runner, and I charged into the lobby after her and caught her wrist. “That didn’t come out right.”

Her dangly silver earrings caught the light as she shook her head. “I can’t do this. The other night, pretending I could declare it the weekend as if that’d prevent it from affecting our work was a bad idea. It’s messing with my head. Now I’m hurt, when before the other night, I would’ve just been pissed.”

Panic inundated my system, and I tightened my grip on her wrist, afraid if I let go, we’d never get back what we’d had the other night. “It doesn’t have to be like that.”

“I’m afraid it does. I get that you’ve got to do what you’ve got to do when it comes to this job, but so do I. And I refuse to flush months of hard work down the drain over some guy. At the end of the day, we’re colleagues. Not friends. Not a couple. In theory we’re a team, but you and I both know that when it comes to our vision for the complex, we’re on opposing sides.”


She yanked against my hold, and while all I wanted to do was slow this damn train down before we crashed and burned, I forced myself to let go.

A tear slipped down her cheek, and she quickly swiped it away. “Now you’re free to get chummy with the guys and bro it up or do whatever-the-hell you want on the weekends. This queen’s going to prepare her dragons. And the next time you try to play me for a fool, I’ll show you just how easily I could burn you to a crisp.”



Penelope: You go ahead. I’ll just meet you there.

And the cold front continued. I’d ordered the company car for the afternoon meeting in hopes that on the way there, she and I could talk. Three days and nothing I did could penetrate her defenses.

Nice word choice, York.

With defeat weighing down my shoulders, I climbed into the car and confirmed the location as Las Hermanas Distillery and Restaurant.

About fifteen minutes later, I arrived at the curb, and as I climbed out of the company car, I stood on the sidewalk and gaped at the beauty of the place. The Spanish tiles and white adobe blended seamlessly with a rock entrance, and a giant window peeked into the heart of the restaurant. It created that welcome atmosphere where anyone driving by would want to join in the good food and fun. A large wooden pergola complemented the rock walls of the patio, and lanterns that were metal works of art hung over the area.

This is Penelope’s design. It was classic and chic, the perfect nod to more typical Mexican restaurants while showcasing its upscale uniqueness. The hollow ache that’d been my constant companion since Monday throbbed to life with a vengeance.

A large beige archway greeted me, the stone, wood, and lanterns from the outside matching the inside. The floors were a mix of wood, detailed and unique and yet subtle enough not to steal all the attention.

Rarely did I enter a building and experience jealous over wishing I’d been the one to design it, but this place elicited that type of response.

Laughter snagged my attention—more accurately, the familiar laugh among the others—and I spotted Penelope seated next to two Latina women. Given they looked like twins, I assumed they were the Serrano Sisters.

I started toward the table, and the other half of the party came into view. Councilwoman Roberts, Scott Watson, and Mario Avila—accompanied by none other than the mayor.

What the hell? Did Penelope tell me the wrong time for the meeting? Had it come to that?

I clenched my fists, well on Copyright 2016 - 2024