Big Dick Energy - Cindi Madsen Page 0,52

a second, Kali, and I’ll get you a treat,” Archer said to the dog. “First you have to calm down.” He dragged his hand across the small of my back and told me to make myself comfortable. I took that as permission to study the bronze statue atop a carved lotus flower plank with the candles.

“See, I’m getting your food out of the cupboard.” The hint of exasperation in Archer’s voice as the puppy bounced around his feet and pawed at his legs left me feeling all warm and squishy. “Do you think I’m going to eat it instead? No thanks.”

A mere ten minutes ago, I’d been whimpering and pawing at Archer myself, so I could hardly blame the tiny dog.

The light scent of Jasmine hit me and, since I wasn’t sure if there were rules about touching buddha, I stuck to sniffing the candle. A zip of excitement went through me when I spotted the book next to the tray.

Mindful Meditations. Idly, I lifted the corner and let the pages slip through my thumb. Meditation had helped me a ton, and here Archer had a book on it.

Maybe it’s a sign.

On the way out of Paddy’s, I’d stopped by the table to snag my purse and tell my girls that Archer and I were heading out. Then I’d hesitated, almost waiting for their permission… or more accurately, their disapproval, or at the very least a reminder I’d insisted I’d never cross lines with “my boy.”

Instead, with all the subtlety drunk people were famous for, Ellie had formed a circle with her index finger and thumb and stuck her finger through it. “You two go have fun,” she’d said, adding an eyebrow waggle.

I’d grabbed her hand, desperate to prevent Archer from seeing, but to no avail.

“What? As if the entire bar doesn’t know what you two are about to do. Hello, the chemistry up on that stage…” Ellie whistled and shook out her hand as if she’d been burned.

Cheeks blazing, I’d wedged myself between her and Cat’s chair for a quick hug goodbye. “We like him for you,” Cat whispered, and so much for relying on her to be the voice of reason. “He walks a nice line between teasing and adoring, and I’ve never seen you forget yourself the way you do with him.”

The noise at the bar should’ve been more than enough to drown out our conversation, yet I still lowered my voice. “Yeah, that’s what I’m worried about.”

Cat lifted a finger to ask for a minute, and then stood and dragged me a few yards away.

Before she could say her piece, I charged on with mine. “Is this part of your plan for me to flirt with him and then sue him for it? Because as much as he drives me crazy in the office, he’s a decent guy.”

Already, Cat had been shaking her head. “Admittedly, the night you came to my office, I was all fired up about the sexual harassment case I’m working on. You know how I get all anti-men once in a while.”

“What? You do?” I asked, heavy on the sarcasm.

The purse of Cat’s lips asked if I was done yet, and I nodded. “Where’s the note I gave you that night?” She yanked open my purse and rifled through the contents. “The fact that we’re having this conversation tells me you haven’t opened it yet.”

Right. I’d forgotten about the note. Mostly because after she’d given it to me, Archer and I had fought so much that I’d been sure I’d never need it.

The yellow square of paper came out with a flourish, and I glanced over at my shoulder, afraid of what Ellie was telling Archer—whatever it was, it took a lot of hand gestures. Since she’d started by flashing the universal sign for banging, I supposed the embarrassment could only go down from there.

You’re a talented architect.

You’re a goddess, not a doormat.

Own your power.

You have the best taste in friends.

I snorted at that and looked up to see Cat beaming at me. “I solemnly affirm that the evidence shall be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.”

Not only do you deserve orgasms, you also get to choose who gives you those orgasms.

Your power is your radical self. Find it. ~ Aya Chebbi



“As I quote that last one a lot, I was sure you’d know it wasn’t mine,” Cat had said, “but it felt disingenuous to claim it as such, even if I wholeheartedly agree.”

I’d thrown my arms around Copyright 2016 - 2024