Big Ben (See No Evil Trilogy #1) - Nana Malone Page 0,91

first met him, the way he’d wanted to make sure I had a perfect day in Paris, the tender way he held me when he kissed me, he’d known all that time. And he’d lied just like Dexter had.

But why? If he’d told me the truth, I might have given in. Why couldn’t one person in my life tell me the goddamn truth? It was that lie that broke my heart, not Dexter’s. Because the truth was, I’d been done with Dexter long before I’d gotten on that flight to Paris. This was just a technicality. The one I’d wanted out of the way before I could really explore what I was feeling for Ben. But in that moment, what I felt for Ben was nothing but pure rage.

“I want you out of here.”

“You can’t kick me out. My name is the one on the lease. Or did you forget?”

What was he talking about? “Yes, I can. I was on the lease when we got this place.”

“You were, but you were so busy with your mum when we renewed you told me to go ahead and sign it. You are no longer on the lease. So I won’t be going anywhere.”

Fuck. Me.

You don’t want it anyway. “I’ll be back later for my things. Preferably when I don’t have to look at you.” I left my bag where it was, but I grabbed my purse and walked right back out the front door.



I was so raw from Paris, I’d completely forgotten that Bridge and East would be waiting for me when I got home. I don’t even know what made me go to the flat. It was like I was going on autopilot.

But sure enough, when I arrived, my mates were already inside. I was too exhausted and depleted to even be pissed off or confused.

Bridge scowled when he saw me. “What the fuck is wrong, mate?”

“What are you doing here?”

East and he exchanged glances. “We’re here for an update on Downs.”

Oh yeah, Downs.

I dropped my bag by the stairs then shrugged off my jacket and tossed it at the back of the couch. East, the good mate that he was, had already poured me a glass of scotch. Two fingers. Oh, I guess he anticipated the news was bad. I lifted my glass in cheers and then downed the whole thing.

More glances.

Bridge sat forward. “What the fuck happened? How much trouble are we in?”

I shook my head. “On the contrary, we’re not in trouble. No one really knows yet that we’re attempting a coup. Downs suspects only because we’re the only ones in place to make a play. And we’re the only ones who have been vocal in voicing our displeasure with Van Linsted.”

East drained his glass before leaning against the back of the couch. “Okay, so what does it look like?”

“Well, the good news is Downs is willing to help us.”

Bridge rocked as he fisted one hand into his other and nodded. “All right. All right, we’re on play. With Downs backing us, we’re on the fence. We can do this.”

East grinned but sobered when he looked at me closely. “Yeah. Mate, why don’t you look happier?”

“Well, because Downs wants something. Something I’m pretty sure we can’t get.”

East stood up then and crossed his arms. “What the fuck does he want?”

I laughed as I went over to the bar and poured myself another scotch. I downed it again, letting it burn down my throat, and then the warmth spread to my gut. “He wants the fucking Canary Jewel.”

Bridge frowned. “What the fuck is the Canary Jewel?”

East, however, was more in-the-know. He whistled low. “You know that big fuck-off rock that sits on April Van Linsted’s wrist every time there’s a charity event or a big important meeting meant to spoil her son?”

Bridge’s eyes went wide, and he ran his hand through his hair. “The fucking yellow diamond?”

I nodded. “Yup, that’s what Downs wants.”

Bridge started to laugh then. “We’re fucked. We’re blown.”

I laughed. “Well, we might be, but that’s the thing he wants.”

East started to pace. “But why does he want us to get it for him?”

I shook my head. “It seems Grandpa Downs made a fatal error back in the day. He gave the jewel as a gift to his sweetheart and then she backed out of the deal and took the jewel with her and married a Van Linsted, which is why their relationship has been so testy all these years. Past generations have tried to mend those Copyright 2016 - 2024