Big Ben (See No Evil Trilogy #1) - Nana Malone Page 0,78

is your concern.

Her scent knocked me on my arse. I was barely functional.

For fuck’s sake. Get your shit together.

Fortunately, locating Downs was easy. He even smiled when he saw me coming.

I left my empty glass on a waiter’s tray, then he asked Downs if he’d like a drink.

“Yeah sure, mate. Scotch.”

His Australian twang was so subtle now that I had to listen closely to hear it. But I knew better than to think that he wasn’t Aussie through and through. “Rowan, you look well.”

He grinned. “Are you going to butter my arse?”

“Does it need buttering?”

He laughed and shook his head. The waiter brought our drinks, and Downs laughed as he scrutinized the ball. “You traveled quite a distance to see me.”

“A happy coincidence. Paris is only a weekend trip. We’re building a hotel here.”

“Ah yes, your hotel interest brought you here.”

I grinned. “Oh, you thought I came to woo you? I promise you, you’re not my type.”

His grin was quick. “Shame, since I’m so pretty.” He took a sip of his scotch. “Speak plainly, boy. I’m tired of dancing around it.”

So direct was the way to go. “I think the Van Linsteds have had too much power in the Elite for too long. For the last fifty years, save four years, a Van Linsted has been Director Prime. I want to see that change.”

His lips tipped into a bit of a smirk. “Somehow you found out I’m one of the Five?”

“I’m not sure it’s as much a secret as you think it is.”

“Only the Director Prime at any time should know who the Five are.”

“Hard to keep secrets in a family as small as ours. The rumors are that you have opposed the Van Linsted cabal before and lived to tell the tale.”

He drained his glass then. “Get to your bloody point.”

“I’d like you do it again.” I knew the plan, how to work him. “The Van Linsteds have held too much power for too long. You know that to be true.”

There was that famous Downs smile. “And you want something for nothing?”

“Of course not.” I pulled out the envelope from my breast pocket. “I know your daughter had a difficult time last year. I hope these files find both you and her some peace. These are the only copies in existence, and it’s been scrubbed from the interwebs. Even the news outlets that initially reported the story before you could stop them have had an unscheduled data breach. She is free to continue her life as she pleases.”

He stared at me for a long moment then took what I offered. “You are proving yourself a formidable adversary.”

“I’m no one’s adversary, merely an interested party.”

“And if not Van Linsted, then who? You?”

I shook my head. “Politics have never interested me. Neither have bullshit games. I just want Van Linsted out and someone else made Director Prime.”

He whistled low. “You must really hate him.”

Yes. “On the contrary. I have no feelings toward him. I just want what’s best for the Elite.”

His gaze was assessing, his shaggy salt-and-pepper brows furrowing. “You are your father’s son. Politics might not suit, but you are certainly skilled enough to play in that sandbox if you choose.”

“Not interested.”

“Pity. If you wanted to, you’d do well as Director Prime.”

“If and when the time comes and we have your support, there will be another candidate.”

He lifted a brow. “And who would that be?”

“We’re keeping it under wraps until it’s needed.”

He nodded as he chuckled. “Secrets whispered.”

“Exactly. Secrets whispered. Do I have your support?”

He seemed to think it over. “You have done me a great service, and I am indebted to you, but not enough to vote for an unknown Director Prime.”

Fuck. Downs was a slippery fucker, but he was also the most influential of the Five. I had nothing else to offer. “And just knowing a Van Linsted won’t hold the seat of power isn’t enough?”

“Afraid not. Your Prime might be worse.”

“He’s not.”

“So say you.”

Across the ballroom, I watched Olivia chat animatedly to Van Linsted. There was much smiling and handwaving, and it made my lips twitch. She could only keep that up for so long though. “And if new evidence came to light of Van Linsted acting in a way that was contrary to the Elite? His culpability, his crimes...”

“Look, most everyone in the Elite has a skeleton somewhere. Something they don’t want coming out into the light of day.”

“Except for you. You seem to be clean. So tell me, what do you want? What can I Copyright 2016 - 2024