Big Ben (See No Evil Trilogy #1) - Nana Malone Page 0,76

say your goodbyes. Not to worry, Ford. I’ll look out for her.”

I glanced back at Ben and then at Dexter. “What was that about?”

Dexter shook his head. “You didn’t tell me that was your boss.”

I shook my head in bewilderment. “I’ve told you his name a million times.”

“You failed to mention he was good looking.”

I lifted a brow. “Because it didn’t really register.” Lies.

He flushed. “When you get back, we’ll hash this out. Just know that I do love you.”

I turned to leave, and he grabbed my arm and planted another kiss on my lips. It was even more forceful than the first. The kind of kiss that a year ago I would have said I wanted from him. But it felt cloying, needy, wet, slobbery, and I had to fight not to jerk my face away. When he released me, I staggered backward and wiped a hand over my mouth. “What the hell are you doing?”

“I just want you to remember we’re good together.”

“Next time you feel the urge to kiss me, ask my permission first.”

I left him at the doorway staring after me and slid into the open door of the Tesla Ben was driving, surprised to see that he must have sent my driver back to the office.

When my gaze met his, his expression was surprisingly soft, and his eyes had warmed from ice blue to something closer to navy. It was as if he understood everything that had just happened better than I did.


That twat was her bloody boyfriend? The same arsehole I’d seen shagging the redhead in the conference room at the fundraiser? Fucking hell. And had that been a bloody ring?

You’re too late.

No, I fucking wasn’t. She could see through his bullshit, right? I prayed that she could.

He’d endangered her safety.

She was smart. She had seen what he was like. I had to believe that. But she likely didn’t know about the fundraiser. And if I told her now, it was going to hurt her.

I couldn’t help but think I was making a mistake.

The last thing on earth I’d wanted to do was involve her. But our plan required two people, or it wasn’t going to work.

And the sooner we were rid of Van Linsted, the sooner she’d be safe.

I knew I was on shaky ground. I was definitely bullshitting about this trip being work-related, and I should have told her the truth. But I was protecting her and knew the truth would make her less safe, so I rationalized that it was better if she stayed in the dark.

The things you tell yourself.

“Are you sure about this?”

She gave me a courageous nod. “Yeah, I’ve got this. I’ll keep Van Linsted distracted. You talk to the client or whoever it is you need to see.”

“You make it sound so simple.” Fuck, I didn’t want this for her. But here we were. “If he makes any move toward Rowan and me, what are you going to do?”

She grinned at me and reached for her skirt.

My gaze automatically scanned over the long slender expanse of her legs. Jesus. I swallowed hard and dragged my gaze away. “What are you doing?”

Suddenly, I heard three taps in my com device.

She grinned at me then lifted the hem of her skirt a little higher. “Look what I did.”

I frowned. “You put it there?”

“Well, my hair is up, so this is more covert. He would be able to see the device in my ear, so I just placed it under here. I used double-sided tape.”

I placed my hand on her bare knee like a rookie. God her skin was so satiny soft. Touching her was a mistake. Letting my index finger trace the silky patch under her knee. I stared at her legs, trying not to picture them wrapped around my waist as I fucked her. I forced myself to swallow before I started drooling. “Uh, you certainly thought of everything.” She was right. Bram might see her communication device in her ear, which could make it extra dangerous for her.

Just thinking about that possibility made my stomach coil and sent a bolt of fury through my blood. My fingers gripped her knee a little too tightly, so much so that she winced.


“Sorry. I’m sorry.” I immediately released her.

She blinked then licked her bottom lip, and yep, I couldn’t help but stare. “You’re staring at me.”

I swallowed. “You look nice.”

She grinned. “You think?”

With most women, I’d assume a fishing-for-compliments situation, but she was being real. Just as guileless as usual. Copyright 2016 - 2024