Big Ben (See No Evil Trilogy #1) - Nana Malone Page 0,56

time to register my own movements.

My lips slid over hers, and electric heat struck like a stick of dynamite. She gasped, and I slid my tongue against hers, while hers teased mine in a slow, seductive caress, making me momentarily lose track of time and space, of who I was and what we were doing. There was so much I wanted to take. So much I wanted to have. So much I wanted to communicate in the kiss.

My hand caressed her face before sliding into her coily curls. I pulled the pins free, letting her curls spring apart and cascade down her back and over her shoulder.

I liked her like this. Hair out and free, a coiffure better matching her personality. Sliding my hand into the springy softness, I tugged gently, angling her head just enough so I could deepen the kiss and chase the taste of sweet berry on my tongue.

I couldn’t think. Hell, I couldn’t fucking breathe. All I knew was the blood flowing thick through my veins had drummed out all rational thought. I slid my other hand down her back to just over her ass, itching to cup her like I had before.

I wanted to claim her. Mark her. Make her mine so she wouldn’t run again… so she wouldn’t want to.

Kissing her felt like time stood absolutely still. We stood locked in time for what could’ve been a second. A minute. Or it could very well have been three hours.

My skin was too tight, too hot and flushed, and my cock was convinced it needed to reside inside Livy. He was working on his escape plan from my pants, and he wasn’t taking no for an answer.

I kissed her until she made this little mewling sound at the back of her throat. Part whimper, part demand. Then we were moving.

A flat fucking surface.

That’s what I needed. But this, whatever this was, wasn’t going to be some hurried rush job on the desk. Not that I could stop kissing her.

I wanted her melting on my tongue and wrapped around me. Desperate as I was, I backed her up against the wall and angled my body so I could kiss her just the way I wanted. Desperate. Demanding.

Her hips ground against mine. There was no way she could mistake the hard press of my length against her.

Another whimpered plea and something shifted in the air. Instead of her fists grabbing into my shirt like they had been before, they were flat, and pressing against me.

I frowned, dragging my lips from hers, trying to make sense of the input I was getting. She sucked in deep breaths of air and pushed me away as she shook her head.

I released her easily and backed away. Even if it felt like I was cutting away a piece of me.

The severance of bodily contact enabled my brain to come back online. What. The. Fuck. Was. That.

“Fuck. That was not supposed to happen.”

Her eyes darted around and looked anywhere but at me. Her lips trembled when she spoke. “I—I have a boyfriend,” she stammered. Her cheeks were flushed and her lips swollen from my kiss.

I knew about her boyfriend. I just had stopped caring for a minute. All I cared about was tasting her again. Already like a junkie in need of another hit. “Livy, wait.” I reached for her, but she evaded my touch.

“I have to go.”

She darted around me, making her escape out of the office before I could stop her.


Two truths.

One, Ben Covington kissed like they were giving out Olympic medals for it.

Two, I’d kissed him back.

And not just kissed him back. I’d enjoyed every damn moment of it like I was never going to get another opportunity to kiss again.

And you’re not. At least not him.

I leaned my back against the bathroom stall and tried to catch my breath, but it was nearly impossible. Hell, I could barely stay upright my knees were so weak. My stomach knotted. I’d kissed him back. Who the hell was I? The old me wouldn’t have kissed her boss. No amount of crackly tension and heat would have made me do that.

I needed to find Dexter.

I had to talk to him. Apologize. Something. If I was going to be with him, I needed to be with him. I couldn’t have one foot out the door and ready to leave. It was either all in or all out, and I’d ridden that fence for too long.

I checked my phone to see where he Copyright 2016 - 2024