Big Ben (See No Evil Trilogy #1) - Nana Malone Page 0,51

don’t hold Ben’s actions against me. Ben and I aren’t as close as we used to be. His recklessness has become a problem, as has his lack of foresight.” His lies rolled off his tongue smoothly, and I could only be proud of him. He was good, better than I had given him credit for.

He managed to pull off that cool air of disdain and indifference, which was exactly what we wanted. We wanted it to seem like he gave two fucks and that he was willing to do whatever was called for.

Bram’s voice was smooth as they rode in the elevator. “You know, I will admit, I was unsure of you for the Elite. But you have proved yourself more than capable of being the right kind of man.”

“Well, I certainly worked to get here.”

My gut churned. Once a wanker always a wanker. I forced myself to listen as Van Linsted both stroked Bridge’s ego and simultaneously put him down.

Ten minutes in, even East had grown weary of the bullshit as Van Linsted made his pitch for why he was a fit for Director Prime.? “Do you feel sick too?”

I slid him a glance. “Yeah, it doesn’t feel brilliant.”

Finally, when their phones had been in close proximity a few minutes, East hit Compile to see if the program he’d put on Bridge’s phone had done its job.?We’d hopefully be able to get more valuable information from Bram’s phone.

“It’s going to take a minute. After it’s copied, I’ll still need to decrypt it. Don’t you have to get ready for the Blake Boynton meeting?”

“I’m meeting him a few blocks from here at six.”

“I can’t believe he took a meeting.”

“I was surprised too. I have a feeling he’s not one of the Five, but we need to be sure.”

“We do. You’re caught up on the file?”

“Yeah. Basic embezzlement from the family trust. But leverage is leverage.”

He nodded, and I stared back. Finally, he just kicked me out. “Mate, get off my tits. I’ll call you if I get anything.”

I took a left out of East’s office and was surprised to find Olivia barreling down the hall toward me. “Good, there you are. I have been looking for you.”

My brows lifted. I had to make a visible effort to calm the erratic uptick in my heart rate and kill any interest from my dick. “You have? Is there a problem?”

“I wanted to talk more about Peterman, you know, the meeting and how it went.”

I frowned. “Okay, why?”? I planted my feet and it seemed like she was trying to back me up. “What’s going on? Do you want to discuss it in your office?”

Her eyes went wide. “Um, my office?”

Her body language said she wanted me to back up, like she was trying to herd me in the direction she wanted. “Yes, your office. Or is there somewhere else you’d rather talk? Does my office work better?”

She glanced behind her. “Yep, why don’t we do that.” She physically tried to turn me, and I had to laugh because she wasn’t getting very far.

I lifted a brow. “What’s going on?”

She gesticulated as she spoke. “You know, just... let’s go this way. There’s something I wanted to show you. It’s at the other end of the hallway.”

It took another moment before I realized she was trying to steer me away from Bridge’s office. She knew who was in there and didn’t want me to blow up.

“But I wanted to go this way. I wanted to ask Bridge something.” I was a prick. I knew I was, but I couldn’t help having a laugh with her.

“No. Honestly, you’re the smartest of the London Lords. I’m sure you don’t need his input.”

Now I knew she was shitting with me. “Oh, yeah?”

“Oh, absolutely have always said so.”

I finally allowed her to turn me around so that we were walking toward my office.

I couldn’t help laughing at her antics. She was a badass in the board room and a complete spaz out of it. Also, I wanted to kiss her.

What? No. No kissing.? The fuck was wrong with me? We were in a mountain of shit. I should be focused on keeping her away from this mess.

Yeah, there was that. Also, she worked for me, and likely, the Elite knew about her, so kissing her was a big fat no-no. It would just set the target on her directly, and I wasn’t going to be responsible for that.

I leaned close, letting her tease of perfume dull my rational Copyright 2016 - 2024