Big Ben (See No Evil Trilogy #1) - Nana Malone Page 0,29

report directly to her.”

He was trying to force my hand, the jackass. Fine, if he wanted to play hardball, then so could I. “Well, it’s nice to have your support. Thank you.”

“Of course. You are far too smart to be sitting in my front office for any length of time.”

“Thank you. I admire you a lot.”

“Same here. Now, if we could just fix my dating life, then the world would be perfect.”

I laughed. “Are you still trying the apps?”

“You know what, don’t write me any more profiles. The last one you wrote me was so good I got all these guys who were trying to have intellectual conversations with me but didn’t seem to want me for my body at all.”

“What happened to the perfect man right in the middle? Where is he?”

She laughed. “Not anywhere I can see. Feels like I was jinxed a long time ago in love. Doesn’t matter though. What matters today is we have good news for you. I’m really proud. I’ve loved having you on my team, and I’m sure it’ll work out. Whatever you decide, just let me know and then I’ll work out a transition with Ben.”

“Thank you. I appreciate that.”

There was nothing else to say. Looked like Ben was going to get his way.



We had a plan. We just had to execute. But no one could execute a damn thing until I had the drive, and so far, I was coming up empty.

I threw my stress ball up in the air as I leaned back in my seat.?I needed to figure out a secondary approach and fast, because if she took it to someone who could figure out what she had, it was risky for everyone. Especially her. I had to find a way to get the advantage.

So, what? Be her friend?

When was the last time I had been friends with a woman? It wasn’t even an option. She was in my system.


I loved women.?Women were beautiful.?Certainly engaging.?But having a long-term relationship would be complicated and not on my top ten list of things to do.

Ever since Lila, I’d kept a healthy emotional distance from the fairer sex.

Not that a woman from five years ago should be clouding my judgment at all. She just informed so many of my interactions with women.?So being friends with a woman I wanted wasn’t going to work. I wasn’t capable.

A knock sounded on my office door, and I assumed I’d find East or Bridge jamming their big frame inside my doorway, but instead I found oh-so-delicate Olivia. Her dark eyes met mine levelly, and my fucking dick twitched. Traitor. ?“Had a change of mind, love?”

She just scowled at me.?From behind her back, she produced the flash drive. “You want this?”

I blinked as I sat up straighter.? “Yes, I do.” I wanted so much more too. Like her pretty mouth around my cock. I kept that to myself, though.

She wagged her finger back and forth at me.? “Easy does it.?Possession and all that.”

I crossed my arms. “Fine.?What do you want?”

“Well, I want you to tell me why this is so important.”

“I can’t.”

“Is it something illegal?”

“All that’s on that disk is information. You are just going to have to trust me.”

“Trust you?? I don’t even know you.”

My skin hummed. Didn’t she feel that? Was I the only one suffering? I took a sip of coffee from my mug. “Yes, you do. Your body was molded against mine a few days ago. I know exactly how you fit against me. I know your scent. You know mine too. You can feel the electricity, can’t you?”

She watched me intently. “Did you know your mug says world’s biggest dick?”

I grinned. “Yep. It was a gift from Jessa. Not sure how she knew, but I’m happy to announce it loudly.”

“I don’t think that mug means what you think it does.”

I frowned at the thing. “What else could it mean?”

She snorted and rolled her eyes. “If you don’t know I won’t tell you. Look, I don’t like to put faith in things I can’t see or touch.”

Smart. But she could touch the electrical charge between us. She just didn’t want to yet. “Then that makes you a very smart woman.?What do you want in trade?”

She stepped into my office and then eased the door closed behind her.?The look she gave me was one of calculation.? “Well, the job you offered, I’ll take it.”

My heart tried to punch its way out of my chest. She was saying yes? I arched my brow.? “I Copyright 2016 - 2024