Big Ben (See No Evil Trilogy #1) - Nana Malone Page 0,27

has inducted a new member into the Five in recent years, Bram Van Linsted already has at least one of the names. So we’re starting on our back feet.”

Bridge nodded. “Yeah, but Marcus is an old-timer, and as much as he wants Bram in power, wouldn’t he just work the back channels for him? I find it hard to believe he’d give up the name. You remember Marcus’s training exercises. A gentleman above all, private matters stay private, and secrets whispered are never revealed. He’s a bloody true believer. No way he’d give Bram a name.”

Drew took a sip of his scotch as he rattled the keys in his pocket with his hand. “He might not have given him a name, but I’ll bet Bram still has it. Remember, Bram’s specialty is politics. He had the same clandestine training as us, and he knows how to play the game. As much as we would like him to be, he’s not a complete idiot. So he might have found another way to get the other names.”

East nodded and turned back to the monitor. “Okay, so assume we get the drive and the names. We’re going to need leverage. As much as possible. The Five should be above reproach, but that doesn’t mean they haven’t buried some secrets and skeletons somewhere. No one’s going to do something for nothing.”

I rolled my shoulders. “It’s entirely possible that no one else wants another twenty-year reign of the Van Linsteds. Let’s not forget Bram’s got a brother, Miles. He’s younger, but I imagine he’s around to take up a term right after his brother. Then we’ll never be free. And there are others who see the writing on the wall. We’re not entirely alone.”

East nodded. “No, but let’s not assume that the Van Linsteds don’t have something to offer. Because they do.”

He was right. At the core of it, most people were greedy and would do anything to have their names associated with the most powerful families in the world, including sell their souls. “All right, so we get the drive back and get the names. What next?”

East nodded. “We also need to assume we’re being watched. I checked surveillance. We’ve got Ilya Tosca outside the Soho Branch. Bridge, Drew, I’ve spotted Joseph Link and Terrence Randolph, both known fixers, outside your homes. Maybe the Elite is always watching. Maybe they are paying attention because of the anniversary of Toby’s death. They are in fact watching our every move, so we need to be aware of the moves we make and how they’ll be perceived. We don’t want to clue anyone in on what we’re doing.”

Bridge had started to pace as he tried to walk through the issue. “Downs is going to be a problem too. He’s notoriously reclusive. Only turns up for the major votes. If any of us take a trip to Oz to speak to him, they’ll know.”

East nodded. “Let me work on that. He’s an art lover. We might be able to lure him to us.”

“Okay, in the meantime, one of us needs to run interference with Bram now. If we can get any insight into what he’s doing next, that’ll help,” I said.

Bridge stepped forward. “I’ll do it.”

The pit fell out of my stomach. No way I could ask Bridge to do that. “You hate him. He knows you hate him.”

He shrugged. “Maybe, but we need to keep an eye on him.”

Drew agreed with him. “I hate to say it, but we do need someone watching him. I could, but any of my dealings with him jeopardizes my father, which I don’t think we want to do because it would upset the balance of the voting seats before we have time to establish who the Five are.”

I threw up my hands. “Bridge is my best mate. How is anyone going to believe we’ve fractured now?”

Everyone was silent for a moment. Then East shrugged. “Well, that’s not hard to do. We just make sure that footage of you two arguing outside of the nick is circulated. A few strategic placements where we lay some breadcrumbs of discontent and a fracturing of your relationship. We make them think that he is on their side.”

Bridge had clearly given this some thought. “If it gets us close enough to provide you some shield and cover, then I’ll do it. We need as much time as possible before the Van Linsteds figure out what the fuck we’re doing.” Bridge said.

I shook my head. “Bridge, mate, Copyright 2016 - 2024