Big Ben (See No Evil Trilogy #1) - Nana Malone Page 0,20

light. And on her desk, the only personal item was a photo of her and a woman who looked like the older version of her with a complexion several shades darker. They both wore bathing suits and life vests and held paddles over their heads while laughing like loons.

It was an image of pure unadulterated joy.

When was the last time you felt like that?

Clearly, whatever they’d been doing, probably paddle boarding, had been a hell of an adventure because they’d ended up soaking wet but triumphant.

I had to grin at that.? She looked so happy.?And I could tell from the photo that she laughed with her whole body.?Was it throaty like her raspy voice suggested?

There was nothing else personal in the office.?It was almost too sterile.?As though if she chose to leave her office tomorrow, all she would take was that picture and be done with it. Always ready to run.

And that was how she found me, examining the one personal item in her office as I tried to glean as many important details as I could from that one image.?That woman, whoever she was, meant the world to her.?That much I knew.

“Excuse me, what are you doing in my office?”

Ah, that voice, grabbing me by the balls, forcing me to pay attention.

I’d woken up that morning with a raging hard-on just thinking about approaching her, what I was going to say and how I was going to say it. I could walk in and demand that she give me what I needed,?or I could ask her nicely.?Or I could try to coax it out of her, make it good for the both of us. Would she make that same keening moan she’d made in the closet?

Except for the small problem of her boyfriend.

Instead, she’d caught me unaware,?so all I could do was turn slowly at the sound of her voice.?When our gazes locked, I found her standing, one hand on her hip, one wrapped around a laptop.?Her hair that had been straightened and sleek for the fundraiser was now pinned neatly back into a bun. She wore simple studs in her ears, minimal makeup, a charcoal gray pencil skirt paired with a prim silk top, and the look was totally buttoned-down. The vamp of the other night was tucked neatly away.

I almost liked this version of her better. I could make this version dirty.

There was something about her direct stare that hit me straight in the sternum, and it took longer than I liked to force my brain to work.

Nope. Focus. Get the drive.

I took several steps toward her and watched with respect and a little pride as she held her ground and even lifted her chin a little. “Just the woman I was hoping to find. You know, your scent has been lingering in my mind.”

That’s it, pour on the charm.

Her dark eyes went wide at that. But she quickly schooled her response into one of indifferent composure. The only thing that hinted to any fun in her personality were the buttons on her blouse.? Looking closely, I noticed each one was a different emoji.?But you would have to be super close to notice.?I probably should’ve taken a step back, but I didn’t budge.

“You still haven’t told me what you’re doing in my office?”

I lifted a brow.? “Oh, this is how you’re playing it. I have to say I’m surprised. You’re going to pretend you don’t recognize me.?And I thought I’d made a memorable impression.” I leaned forward to make my point. Rookie mistake, because once I was that close, I needed to be closer. Still though, I doubled down. “I was the one with my hand on your arse. My lips and your skin are very well acquainted.”

Her little sharp intake of breath gave her away at the moment of recognition. Then she squinted and slid her glasses on.?Once they were settled on the bridge of her nose, her eyes flared wide. “Oh, I remember. I’ve been trying to forget.”

Then she swallowed hard and blinked several times before directly meeting my gaze.

Holy shit. That penetrative stare stirred something deep inside me. Something I’d buried long ago. I quickly pushed down the unknown yet somehow familiar emotion.

“You sure? Because the way your pupils have dilated, I’m fairly certain you’ve been remembering… a lot.” I gave her a sly grin. “Does remembering make your knickers wet?”

Her lips parted like maybe she might tell me they were indeed wet right now. Oh, fuck me, even better if she didn’t have Copyright 2016 - 2024