Big Ben (See No Evil Trilogy #1) - Nana Malone Page 0,14

was cycling.

A shadow darted into my vision and I frowned, turning to get a better look as it vanished behind a wall of arborvitae. “What the hell? Did you see that?”

Bridge frowned. “Yep. Female, maybe a maid?”

East shifted on his feet, the gravel shifting with him. “She’s running, so either she did something bad or something bad is about to be done to her.”

Drew joined us then. “Lads. What are we doing?”

I sighed. “Apparently playing hero.”

The four of us headed into the maze. The arborvitae were taller than I was and completely obscured us. Bridge called out. “Hello? Are you okay in here?”

When we were completely cocooned by hedges around the next bend, a slim figure dressed in all black stepped out.

I knew her. “Emma?”


Emma Varma dragged off her hoodie, and her dark hair spilled out over her shoulders. “If it isn’t the London Lords.”

Bridge stared at her. “Jesus Christ, is that you?” His usually sure voice wavered.

She lifted her chin in greeting and tucked her raven hair behind her ears. She met his gaze for a long moment, before turning to give East a head nod.

East, not usually one to hide his emotions wrapped his arms around her and picked her up. “Oh my God. Little Tobes.”

“You big oaf, put me down. I’m not here for a leisurely visit.” East gave her one more big squeeze then released her.

Drew was uncharacteristically more reserved than usual. And well, I wanted to hug her. I wanted to hold her, but the fear and regret had me by the bollocks. There were too many memories. Emma had grown into a stunning woman with soulful big eyes, but there was something about her that reminded me too damn much of Toby.

I cleared my throat. “Ems, what are you doing here?”

She turned to glare back at the parapets. “You think I don’t know it’s initiation night? Ten bloody years. Of course I know the significance of today.”

I rolled my shoulders, tension knotting between my shoulder blades. “Still doesn’t explain what the hell you’re doing here. You can’t be seen here.”

Her brows snapped down. “I’m walking into that party, and I’m going to confront all of those assholes.”

Bridge stepped forward then. I was certain he was about to wrench me out of the way to get to her, but East stepped in. “Ems, we miss him too, but you can’t go in there.”

“Are you fucking mad? You put yourself in the crosshairs if you walk in there. You’re going to risk that tight arse, for what, the satisfaction of yelling at them? Jesus, I knew you were a child, but this really takes the cake.” Bridge’s voice was barely more than a growl as he spoke to her. The two of them had never particularly gotten along, but this level of anger and tension was uncharacteristic for Bridge.

“Well, someone has to do something. You lot have clearly forgotten all about him. And I’m not an idiot. I’m not going there without a plan, and I’m not leaving empty handed.”

Bridge started for her again, but this time I stepped between them. “Emma, not one of us has ever forgotten him.”

“Bullshit. I mean, look at you. In ten years, you are the richest arseholes in London. You, like that lot in there, forgot him and trampled on his memory. Tell me, did they even say anything about him? Remember him in any way?”

Cold insidious dread wrapped around my spine. She was right. Not one of them had uttered a single word about Toby. It was like he was lost in the annals of forgotten brothers.

Bridge’s voice was tight when he spoke. “So, what? You’re going to accuse them of forgetting him? Then what? It’s a flimsy plan, Ems.”

“God, you still think I’m some idiot kid?” She tapped the hoodie’s zipper. “It’s a camera. What’s the one thing a secret society doesn’t want? Exposure. The whole lot of them. It’s one thing to hear rumors of a society. It’s another to have photo evidence.”

Drew’s voice was thin when he spoke. “You wouldn’t. There’s a reason it’s secret, Ems.”

“You think I give a damn? Those arseholes are responsible for my brother’s death. I’m not going to let them get away with moving on like nothing happened. All of you have moved on like he was never fucking here. But I don’t get to move on. Why do you?”

Those three words. Why do you? Wielded with the precision of a fiery sword. They mirrored my own thoughts for the last Copyright 2016 - 2024