Bidding Wars (Love Strikes) - By Lacey Wolfe Page 0,25

a sign—carry Molly to bed.

He got off the couch as slowly as he could, trying not to disturb her. He bent over and started to pick her up when her eyes flew open.

“What are you doing?”

“I was going to carry you to bed.”

“Oh. I can walk.” Molly pushed herself up and walked toward her bedroom.

He stood there, not sure what to do. He supposed he should head out. He began to leave when he heard his name. She stood at the end of the hallway, watching him.

“Luke, this might be forward, but I don’t want to be alone. I’m really tired of it. Would you lay down with me until I fall asleep?”

He gulped. “In your bed?”


“Uh…OK.” He started to cross the living room to her.

“Wait, let me get undressed first and then I’ll call you.”

He nodded. The only thing he’d really heard was undressed. As in, she was taking her clothes off. And she was going to call him back there to get in bed with her. And she was going to be undressed. How undressed? T-shirt and panties?

His cock sprang to life and ached to know the answer.

“I’m ready.” Her voice echoed down the hallway.

Oh God, he couldn’t go in there with a hard-on. Down, boy. He had to think of something other than her in panties. He went down the hallway and into her room. She already had the lights off. He let out a sigh of relief. She wouldn’t be able to see what effect she was having on him.

He slipped his shoes off and climbed onto the bed, staying above the covers.

“You can get under the sheets.”

No, he couldn’t. If he crawled under the sheets with her, he was going to have to learn what she was wearing. And that wasn’t a good idea. “I’m OK.”

Molly rolled over so she was facing him. She scooted closer and laid her head on his chest. “Your heart is really pounding.”

He wasn’t sure how to respond, so instead he wrapped his arm around her, hoping she would fall asleep quickly. He gazed up at the ceiling and willed himself to stay awake. He was positive she didn’t want him to stay the night—just until she was sleep. But as he listened to her breath, he relaxed and decided a short nap would be OK before he sneaked off.

Chapter Ten

Molly was trying to be as quiet as possible in the kitchen as she prepared breakfast. She hadn’t expected to wake up and find Luke still in her bed. She thought he would’ve left at some point during the night, but instead he was lying above her covers, sound asleep with a sexy five o’clock shadow on his face.

Molly removed the crispy bacon from the pan and added a few more strips, hearing that popping sound as it cooked. She had the eggs ready to pour once the bacon was done. Taking a moment to breathe, she gulped down her coffee then went back to the task at hand. Cooking a big breakfast was one of those meals you had to stay on top of or something would end up burnt.

She peeked into to the oven. The homemade buttermilk biscuits were almost done. Maybe another two minutes and they’d be perfect. It had been a long time since she’d prepared a breakfast for someone other than herself. And all she usually made herself was toast with microwavable sausage. She wanted this to be delicious and just right and then send her uninvited guest on his way so he didn’t get the wrong idea. Or better yet, so she didn’t get the wrong idea.

She took the bacon from the pan and laid it with the rest. She stole a bite from one that had already cooled. Moaning aloud, she basked in the salty flavor.

“Good morning.” A deep male voice startled her.

She spun around. God, mornings were good to Luke. On top of that sexy stubble, his hair was slightly messy, his clothes wrinkled, and all put together made the hottest man she’d ever seen. Everyone needed to wake up looking as good as he did. She had made a dash to the restroom when she woke to brush her teeth, fix her hair, and make sure she didn’t have raccoon eyes from her mascara she didn’t wash off before bed.

“It smells amazing. It’s been a long time since I’ve had breakfast that didn’t come from a cardboard box.”

“I hope it lives up to your standards then.”

“I’m sure it will taste great. Copyright 2016 - 2024